We've been saying it for Months now Laz. Frankly, I really want to support President Bush, but time and time again he disappoints me.
First it was Stem Cell Research, which he should've outright banned. Pro-Lifers (myself on this very forum) predicted human cloning would be spawned from it, and it has. President Bush blew it on this one BIG TIME.
Then it was increasing funding for AmeriCrap. Clinton's pet program to pay "volunteers" (that word has not been bastardized) to have sex with him in the Oral Office.
Then the Education Bill, which is an unmitigated F'ing disaster.
Add to that Campaign Finance Reform, Farm Subsidies, Steel Tariff's and more and we only begin to SCRATCH the surface of an alleged Conservative turned bleeding heart Liberal President.
Outside of President Bush's *brilliant* handling of the War on Terrorism and that little tax cut that got passed last year, he's been one disappointment after another, after another. I struggle to find issues that I agree with him on anymore.
Gee, wasn't it just last week I posted "10 Things President Bush Did, That AlGore Would've Refused To Do" somewhere on FR? I'm really not so sure about the Bush Presidency anymore.
But over the last few months, my loyalty has been worn thin.
I think the AW ban will be a final chance for him to reclaim me as a voter. If he cares. According to Poohbah, they've written Conservatives off outright and could care less who we vote for.