OK AFTER we have established that Simon is ahead by 4-8 points you want him to change his team and his strategy???....or do you not believe that he's ahead, in which case you didn't read/don't believe the article.
John and Ken are flakes. They probably DO believe what they read in both TIMES. That's why they are frantic. Simon is ahead. Simon will win. Period.
I'm not convinced Simon is ahead at this point. The Field poll, which I admit is of questionable accuracy, nevertheless showed Davis ahead by 14 percentage points. Most of the other polls showing Davis behind are 1-1/2 or more months out of date. The Field poll is the most recent one except for the CTA poll, of which we have only rumors. Hence my best guess is that the race is a statistical dead heat.
I think that Simon has largely squandered the two months since the primary election by failing to aggressively define himself to the general public. Now I could be wrong, and he may simply be doing the kind of behind-the-scenes spadework that helped him win the Republican primary. But from Davis' point of view, as long as Davis can stay roughly even or close to Simon in spite of all the scandals and budget problems, that's pretty good. Because it means Davis can hoard his campaign funds (and add to them) until closer to the election. Which in turn means there will be more money available for concentrated negative attacks on Simon, which can quickly demonize him and drive his poll numbers down.
Don't underestimate Davis. He may be a terrible governor, but he is a superb fundraiser and a viciously effective campaigner. That's his expertise. He has honed his skills over many, many years in politics. That's why he has won in the past, and may very well win again.