If prices stay constant, you would have saved $225,000:
$1,000,000 - $250,000 (cost under contract) + $25,000 (new cost) = $ 225,000 savings.
Of course prices never do stay constant.
In short, you are gambling that after 10 years we will have solved this problem. Of course it's not a gamble for Davis, since he won't be in office then no matter what. (Thank goodness for small favours!)
Unfortunately, however good this may look for some people, it doesn't help our present situation in the least.
Anyone know what percentage of the current budget deficit is explained by the power crisis? I thought the whole mess cost us about $12 billion, and yet we swung from an $8 billion surplus to a $22 billion deficit - and I believe bonds were issued to pay for some of the electricity costs. So where'd that $30 billion go? That's about 37% of the whole state budget, if my memory serves - wasn't the whole thing about $ 79 billion? What was Davis thinking when he increased spending that much?