The point is, they are still raised in very large quantities, solely for the purpose of then being killed, to supply your dinner table with food for that ever present profit motive.
So, a question to you, which animal is more "natural" and able to enjoy it's life. The deer, who gets to do all the neat stuff that deer do, then gets dropped with one shot, to be used as food for the table, or that calf, placed in a feed lot the day it drops, fed as much as it can consume in the shortest amount of time, shot with growth hormone (that dastardly profit motive again) only to spend it's entire short life staring through the wire until it gets stunned, throat slit, and processed in 90 seconds? Which is more natural, which is totaly man made, so that YOU can eat with a clear conscience while you rant about other's 'druthers.