Perata is the same guy that brought us SB23(the so called "Assault Weapons" ban)
OBTW, he has his CCW, can we say Limousine Liberal boys anfd girls! Click here for the story
Perata, D-Oalkand, said he wants the money to pay for hospital trauma centers, some of which are facing budget problems. "There's no reason why the general public should be paying for gunshot victims. It is an avoidable injury. It is a preventable injury and therfore I think it's fair to fix a very small tax on the sale of bullets," Perata said.
Now, substitute "AIDS/anal intercourse" for "gunshot." As far as I'm concerned there's no reason the general public should be paying for AIDS if contracted through sodomy. It's an "avoidable, preventable" illness. Instead of worrying about bullets Perata should be imposing a "buggery tax" in the San Francisco-Oakland area.