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To: oldtimer
Oldtimer, I think you are losing your mind. But you can fantacize all you want about the honest, and honorable GWB, a man of integrity (barf). But you know as well as I that he is no Ronald Reagan.
17 posted on 03/22/2002 6:49:48 PM PST by gunshy
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To: gunshy
Oldtimer, I think you are losing your mind. But you can fantacize all you want about the honest, and honorable GWB, a man of integrity (barf). But you know as well as I that he is no Ronald Reagan.

Every principle Bush laid out is incorporated into the CFR or by executive order. He did his job, why did the congress do theirs

President Bush's Reform Principles

Protect Rights of Individuals to Participate in Democracy: President Bush believes democracy is first and foremost about the rights of individuals to express their views. He supports strengthening the role of individuals in the political process by: 1) updating the limits established more than two decades ago on individual giving to candidates and national parties; and 2) protecting the rights of citizen groups to engage in issue advocacy.

( Both items incorporated into the CFR)

Maintain Strong Political Parties: President Bush believes political parties play an essential role in making America's democratic system operate. He wants to maintain the strength of parties, and not to weaken them. Any reform should help political parties more fully engage citizens in the political process and encourage them to express their views and to vote

. (National parties lose influence and state parties gain influence in the CFR…good thing)

Ban Corporate and Union Soft Money: Corporations and labor unions spend millions of dollars every election cycle in unregulated 'soft? money to influence federal elections. President Bush supports a ban on unregulated corporate and union contributions of soft money to political parties.

(Both items in CFR)

Eliminate Involuntary Contributions: President Bush believes no one should be forced to support a candidate or cause against his or her will. He therefore supports two parallel reforms: 1) legislation to prohibit corporations from using treasury funds for political activity without the permission of shareholders; and 2) legislation to require unions to obtain authorization from each dues-paying worker before spending those dues on activities unrelated to collective bargaining.

(Done by executive order)

Require Full and Prompt Disclosure: President Bush also believes that in an open society, the best safeguard against abuse is full disclosure. He supports full, prompt and constitutionally permissible disclosure of contributions and expenditures designed to influence the outcome of federal elections, so voters will have complete and timely information on which to make informed decisions.

(CFR requires Web access to donations and donors DONE)

Promote Fair, Balanced, Constitutional Approach: President Bush believes reform should not favor any one party over another or incumbents over challengers. Both corporations and unions should be prohibited from giving soft money to political parties, and both corporations and unions should have to obtain permission from their stockholders or dues-paying workers before spending treasury funds or dues on politics. President Bush supports including a non-sever ability( defeated) provision, so if any provision of the bill is found unconstitutional, the entire bill is sent back to Congress for further adjustments and deliberations. This provision will ensure fair and balanced campaign finance reform

(Unions now under same restrictions as corporations…. DONE)

19 posted on 03/22/2002 6:58:01 PM PST by Texasforever
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To: gunshy
But you know as well as I that he is no Ronald Reagan

Ain't that the truth!

34 posted on 03/22/2002 8:04:57 PM PST by BobRJones
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To: gunshy
I lost my mind in 1964 when Lyndon Johnson and his 'great society' destroyed this Country.
61 posted on 03/23/2002 4:46:17 PM PST by oldtimer
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