Yes, Bush says the border is a semi-permeable membrane. Only mexicans can flow north. Non-mexicans are unable to penetrate the border in the opposite direction.
Now that's a good question... Why is the border only a One Way Border? Mexicans can come here, but Americans can't? There's something so wrong with that. If we get this so called open border policy with Mexico, the only thing that's going to happen is we will be flooded with Mexicans. The first thing we should do is CLOSE ALL BORDERS. No immigration for 10 years at a minimum. Illegal immigrants rounded up and deported. Let's put our tax dollars to work for the tax payers instead of freeloading immigrants who come here with their governments help. I wish that Mexico's people would have a massive civil war, get rid of that fascist pinko government, and put into place a representational republic. Maybe their country wouldn't be such a toilet. Of course that would mean that Mexicans would have to start acting like civilized people instead of acting like primates and build their own country.
I am so enraged that our country is the dumping ground for the world's refuse. Sure every now and again we get a diamond in the rough, but more often than not, we fund gutter trash to come here. I think that we as a nation need to start apprehending these illegals, rounding them up like the stray animals they are and take them back to the homes they left. I don't mean just Mexicans, I mean ALL ILLEGALS.