Actually an unwanted child is something of a victim, unless you consider growing up in the merry-go-round of foster homes healthy or a well deserved repayment for intruding in his mother in the first place.
But maybe I assume too much, perhaps by child you mean the unborn germ, that bane of societal evolution and plague infecting the nations of the earth.
To tell the truth, I simply cannot understand your hatred for the unborn. Having a child of less than a year and another soon to be born, it is quite incomprehensible to me. I can see little point to carrying on this debate.
As often as not, when someone uses the phrase "To tell the truth", it means they're about to fool themselves, into believing a lie.
I don't hate the unborn, any more than I hate anyone who is dependent on another. You're lying, to say that I hate the unborn, because I think you know it's not true. Dependency happens all the time, and I don't hate the dependent. But we live under a Constitution that preserves the basic rights to life liberty and property. One of the keys to liberty is independence. It's just as important as life. I just love, and will fight for, everyone's right to be free and independent of other people. That includes the rights of, for example, a raped women to be free of the physical bonds and demands that a rapist's child without her consent, places on her body.
I don't hate the unborn. I'll not accuse you of hating liberty either, because I just think you're naive rather than evil.