CONTINGENCY PLANS! The government is doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Consider and plan for every possibility, however remote. It does not mean that Bush desires to nuke anyone.
Sheesh! What a bunch of idiots.
These are not just contigency plans for an eventual strike back when the US is targeted by a nuclear ICBM.
This manifesto of nuclear madness rendered by an anonymous team of Dr. Strangeloves essentially states that the US will use nuclear weapons just as they damn well please, no longer as a last resort when their national survival is at stake, but to put down regional revolts on the farthest frontiers of their global empire. In short, as a response to "surprising military developments," nukes will now be used as weapons of conquest. Let's say the US invades Iraq, and the war starts to go badly, perhaps because other Arab countries enter the fray and US troops are caught in a general conflagration, a replay of what happened at that Marine barracks in Beirut only on a much larger scale. According to the new policy, in that case the US can always nuke 'em into submission. Indeed, the mere threat is enough to at least temper the thought of resistance, which is another reason I tend to think this "leak" was sprung from the top.