Not until the 14th amendment was enacted without ratification has anything other than establishing a uniform rule for naturalization been the business of the feds in the area of immigration. Also, states reserve the power to determine who is eligible for state licenses. Show me in the Constitution where any such power is relinquished by the states.
State driver's licensing requirements have diddly to do with immigration. Don't embarass yourself by trying to pretend you have even a nodding acquaintance with the US Constitution.
For an avogado, you're awfully uninformed. Of course, you're what passes for a lawyer in Mexico, aren't you? You're not an American and never could be. Bugger off and go play with your fellow communists.
The 14th amendment contributes to illegal immigration, by making every one born here a U.S citizen, regardless of HOW their parents came to be in this country. Its a flaw that needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, I am very pessimistic we will find the votes to get it done. And there's the idiotic U.S Supreme Court decision back from 1982 Pyle V. Texas that compels state governments to provide a free public education to every illegal alien school child. As you can undoubtedly gather there a legal framework in place to facilitate making life easier in this country for foreign law-breakers. And extending sec. 245i would simply exacerbate the problem. What with the legal academy on the left you all can see the challenge involved in reclaiming our country.