Well, thanks to unchecked immigration, the clientele on Houston buses is different and the bus stops are now a complete pig sty
Now this thread has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.
First of all have you ever lived in Houston. Since your screen name suggests you live in Minnieapolis, MN. I highly doubt it.
I actually visited your part of the country. I spent my first year of college at the Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, which was filled with Minnesooootans who got "reciprocity"(i.e they got Minnesota tuition rates for attending college in Madison, party city.).
My roommate was from Minnetonka and we went up there for the UW-Minn. football game at the "Hubert Humphrey Dome(Hump Dome) and I met a lady who was complaining about the Hmong(Laotian boat people) who settled in Minnesota.
Have the Hmong ruined Minneapolis?
Yes, I have.
I met a lady who was complaining about the Hmong(Laotian boat people) who settled in Minnesota. Have the Hmong ruined Minneapolis?
Not that I can tell. We have two Senators that have done a good job of that all on their own.
But the Hmong are legal immigrants and not queue jumpers.