I fully agree. For that reason and to make Davis even angrier, Bush--with Simon glued to his side-should make a whirlwind tour through CA about Sept. 15 announcing that because he cares so much for the people of CA, he is recommending to FERC that the price caps be extended until Nov. 30. And add that he and Simon are going to work as closely as possible to solve CA's energy problems for now and for decades. Simon and Bush really need to coordinate their political strategies. It should be made clear to the people of CA that Davis is antagonistic toward Bush, but that Simon and Bush are best buddies. Capitalize on the 80% approval Dubya!
Would Davis, Boxer, Feinstein, Waxman, Burton, et al become apoplectic over that or what??!!
Great idea. Davis loudly trumpeted that fact that he forced FERC to give him "price caps", although he knew very well that the "mitigation plan" did no such thing. Make him eat his own words!