To advocate the brutal and nondiscriminating force of law to protect you in your frailty by limiting the liberty of millions of of those no similarly afflicted is the very root and reason of tyranny.
Deal with your problem like a responsible adult.
Identifying the initiation of force and fraud and advocates thereof is quite easy to do.
I know you've read this before, but I want to post it for benefit of readers on this thread.
Each instance that force is initiated against a person some amount of value is stripped/robbed from that person/victim. Only the victim/person knows the true value of the value robbed.
When a person thinks they have had force initiated against themselves it is their responsibility to resolve the matter by arbitration or take the person/assailant/defendant before a court and impartial jury. Then the victim's responsibility is to prove that the defendant harmed them and to what amount of value was robbed from the plaintiff/victim.