Well, to make a long story short, my faith was shattered. I didn't want to not have God, but I couldn't get over the doubts I had about Him, that feeling that either He had abandoned me, or He wasn't there to begin with. At one point I was even considering suicide, wondering what was the point of existence if there was no ultimate source of it all.
At the very moment that I was at the lowest point of my life, God sent the most wonderful friend that anyone could ask for in this life on earth. A few months ago we were engaged. And every day since we met has been a joyful lesson in how magnificent and beautiful our God is, that nothing about us is beyond His ken. My faith in Him is stronger than ever... so much so that I've told everyone around me that if I had to go through all that again - and it was more than I'd wish on my worst enemy, seriously - I would do it. Would look forward to it even, because now I know God was looking out after me the whole time.
Thank you for sharing your story :-)
I will resume my job search shortly, but this exchange, this contemplation on the darkness of trials, has been a tremendous encouragement for me. I realize that this process is fruitful for me, however painful, and that I will be stronger and more faithful.