They changed their stories after their college (Marquette University) said they'd expel them if they were convicted. There was no proof, although I'm quite sure that it happened. The problem is that Milwaukee has a Dem DA and Wisconsin has a Dem AG. Neither wanted to investigate. The woman from NYC who came here with a "Smokes for Votes" scheme for the homeless got small fine, only because a local TV station had her on video tape. It's a scandal.
Wisconsin allows people to register at the polls on election day with only a utility bill as proof of identity. No proof of citizenship. No proof of age. No proof of residency. Just a piece of mail with your name on it. It is simply outrageous.
H*ll; the state of Maine can top that. You can register to vote on election day with just YOUR GOOD WORD that you are a resident. This was designed to "get out the homeless vote"...after all, your local park bench or dumpster doesn't have a physical address. This came to light during a 'gay rights' referendum years ago...thousands of homosexuals poured over the border from New Hampshire, Massachusetts, et al to vote "YES!" for gay rights in Maine. (Never mind that those of us who live there were stuck with the consequences.) I had this insane policy confirmed for me by the local paper.
Let me guess, the fine was for encouraging the use of cigarettes, not for election fraud.