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To: A.J.Armitage
Thanks for the ping, A.J., and of course, the post. I had heard something a crisis in "children drinking," but didn't catch the actual "story." Thanks for exposing yet another hoax. However, you went off the wagon yourself.

First, the government has no business telling anyone, whatever his age, what substances he can consume.

So, if a police officer sees an eight-year-old drinking, smoking, or taking drugs, it's none of his business? Your argument would also require that a three-year-old who accidentally kills his baby brother be arrested and charged with manslaughter or murder.

You go from making sensible arguments, to losing all good sense. It's just common sense, that you need an official age of majority. The unavoidable imperfection of such a convention is no more a convincing argument against it, than it would be against any other social convention.

240 posted on 03/04/2002 3:29:40 PM PST by mrustow
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To: mrustow
So, if a police officer sees an eight-year-old drinking, smoking, or taking drugs, it's none of his business?

He could take them home to their parents (and I see no reason any other adult from the community couldn't do the same thing).

Your argument would also require that a three-year-old who accidentally kills his baby brother be arrested and charged with manslaughter or murder.

And why's that?

It's just common sense, that you need an official age of majority. The unavoidable imperfection of such a convention is no more a convincing argument against it, than it would be against any other social convention.

Sure, you need an age of majority for voting and consenting to sex and contracts, but not for drinking.

251 posted on 03/04/2002 4:33:08 PM PST by A.J.Armitage
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