To: Toddsterpatriot
Apaprently not. But I don't think a firm has carte blanche to export to whomever they please and if they don't get paid, the US will foot the bill. If this were true, exporting firms would be granting unlimited credit to everyone on earth, outside the USA.
To: GuillermoX
If this were true, exporting firms would be granting unlimited credit to everyone on earth, outside the USA. Excellent point. You would think that people believe (since perhaps the government keeps jawing about how it controls the economy) that the US government buys us things and we simply pay them back through taxes and that this is "free market economics" or "capitalism."
183 posted on
03/03/2002 2:10:20 PM PST by
To: GuillermoX
But I don't think a firm has carte blanche to export to whomever they please and if they don't get paid, the US will foot the bill. If this were true, exporting firms would be granting unlimited credit to everyone on earth, outside the USA. You're right, firms don't have carte blanche. The govt has rules concerning what can be exported, how much is guaranteed and who we can export to. Some countries are bad risks, like Cuba and I'm sure other crooked dictatorships in Africa and elsewhere.
Export all you want, but if you want credit guarantees don't trade with Cuba et al. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson