It may not mean a damned thing to you that my family's land was taken, after generations of us working that land, taken at gunpoint. But it means something to me, and to many more of people just like me.
The line of thought that you are promoting is part of the Maceito brigade's propaganda, and I am not buying it because it isn't the truth. The truth is that whatever suffering the Cuban people in Cuba may face, is the sole fault of Fidel, not the US.
There are morality issues involved here, real complains by real people, and your characterization of your own people as intractable old fools holding on to an idea just for the sake of that idea, brings shame on your family.
Can I assume you are for an embargo on China as well?
Also, I'm old enough to recognize when someone has held onto a belief for so long that it is not possible for them to change that belief.