58 B.C.-A.D. 395: part of the Roman Empire.
A.D. 395 to 688: part of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire.
A.D. 688 to 965: Arab-Byzantine joint rule
A.D. 965 to 1191: Byzantine rule.
A.D. 1191: conquered by Richard the Lion-hearted of England.
A.D. 1192-1489: ruled by Lusignan dynasty.
A.D. 1489 to 1571: ruled by Venice.
A.D. 1571 to 1878: part of the Ottoman Empire.
A.D. 1878 to 1960: part of the British Empire.
A.D. 1960: independence.
This is the most recent I could find.
58 B.C.-A.D. 395: part of the Roman Empire. - 337 years
A.D. 395 to 688: part of the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire. - 293 years
A.D. 688 to 965: Arab-Byzantine joint rule - 278 years
A.D. 965 to 1191: Byzantine rule. - 226 years
A.D. 1191: conquered by Richard the Lion-hearted of England.
A.D. 1192-1489: ruled by Lusignan dynasty. - 297 years
A.D. 1489 to 1571: ruled by Venice. - 82 years
A.D. 1571 to 1878: part of the Ottoman Empire. - 307 years
A.D. 1878 to 1960: part of the British Empire. - 82 years
A.D. 1960: independence.