What's the ham radio conspiracy?
Yeah, being a HAM operator myself, I feel left out of the loop. Please let me know what the conspiracy is so I can take part in it, ok?
What's the ham radio conspiracy?
Yeah, being a HAM operator myself, I feel left out of the loop. Please let me know what the conspiracy is so I can take part in it, ok?<
No problem, just sign up to work with your local ARES or RACES units; in others Skywarn and Civil Air Patrol radio assets are used in the event FEMA finds it necessary to use local area radio communications assets during emergencies or other disasters- including *civil disturbances*. Though you'll likely find that most of the traffic you'll handle will be low-level and administrative in nature [FEMA has some very nice equipment trucks with fully encrypted military coms and SINGCARS military radio gear for working the militrary traffic nets] some of the training to which you'll receive access is both interesting and enlightening.
For an example of the sort of training you'll receive, to include that relating to Continuity of Government, *check the following courses available for Nebraska hams. See the second from the top, G250.1 - WEM: Continuity of Government, in particular.
73 de archy-/-