So let me get this straight. Congress can get all the confidential ionformation it wants but the president must inform congress everytime he talks to his barber???
We were informed of the results of the task force and even told who attended (Hillary never released this information as it was conviently lost).
Will you explaine to me why you think the President shouldn't have the same right as a Senator to get candid advice. This act is to let the Public know what (appointed not elected) meetings were about. Elected officers are exempt. Cheney is not even under the juristiction of the GAO except for how he spends our money. He accounted for that which Hillary also convinently lost and was fined $250,000 for.
Of what are you talking about? National Security or something else?
I don't think I ever said that. These meetings were setting our energy policy. Are you saying that you like it that corporate leaders are setting policies? Why shouldn't we know what they talked about?