Of course it does.
That's precisely the concept that's hard to grasp Woody. You can't see what we're saying, even if you believe it's wrong. Follow the link, read the sermon.
It's not really fair of you to fault me for not knowing what Calvinism is saying when you don't know what Wesleyanism is saying. Granted, it's a very subtle difference. I acknowledged that much earlier. But there is a distinction.
I'll read the sermon, but you should know that I am not even arguing my personal view of Predestination at this point. I'm simply attempting to get you to stand on a Rock with me that simply says: I am willing to let God be God!
The Calvinists in these threads take great solace in the myth that no one really understands Calvinism (except them, ofcourse)
Lets boil Calvinism down to its essentials. God made one Eternal Decree in which He, through His own directive will, decided everything both good and bad that would ever be said or done in time. Now, everything Calvinism writes about is to defend this one concept. Everything said or written is to explain what cannot be explained or defended either from moral grounds (God is not the author of sin), nor from rational grounds (contradictions, man is a slave yet responsible).
Thus, when the smoke clears and all the verbage is cleared away, along with all the scripture twisting proof texts, you are left with one single Calvinistic defense-the Secret Councils of God. That is Calvinism in a nutshell-and I do mean Nutshell