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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Forgive me if I'm a little vague on this ... but it seems to me JW brought suit against the Bush administration back 4 or 5 months ago. Anyone remember the specifics?
67 posted on 02/20/2002 5:36:37 PM PST by BluH2o
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To: BluH2o
I stopped reading JW long ago.
71 posted on 02/20/2002 5:41:52 PM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
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To: BluH2o

Which one? ol larr files some kind of legal action almost like the topic of the day. Take your pick

Judicial Watch is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization dedicated to reforming the legal and judicial systems and fighting government corruption. Judicial Watch was established in 1994 by Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman, a trial attorney with twenty-two years experience. Utilizing the court system in a creative manner, Judicial Watch seeks to expose corruption at all levels of government and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

We are involved in the following cases:

1. JUDICIAL WATCH v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Civil Action No. 95-0133. Judicial Watch filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the Department of Commerce in 1994, to obtain information about how the Commerce Department chooses participants on its overseas trade missions and its illegal campaign finance activity. This inquiry is what uncovered the current fundraising scandals, as Judicial Watch found that the Commerce Department and the White House were at the center of the illegal activity.

2. JUDICIAL WATCH v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Civil Action 96-2747. In October, 1996, Judicial Watch filed another lawsuit against Commerce, for additional information on its trade missions to Indonesia and on the activities of John Huang, Melinda Yee, the Lippo Group, and others involved in the campaign finance scandal.

3. JUDICIAL WATCH v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Civil Action 97-0289. In November 1996, Judicial Watch filed a third lawsuit against Commerce, this time for information on all trade missions not covered by our earlier requests. Once again, the Commerce Department turned over some documents, but withheld others it claimed were privileged. All three of Judicial Watch's cases against the Commerce Department deal with issues of how participants on trade missions were selected and how illegal fundraising was conducted by the Clinton Administration.

4. JUDICIAL WATCH v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Civil Action 97-2416. In October of 1997, Judicial Watch filed a fourth lawsuit against Commerce, this time seeking all documents produced by Commerce to the Justice Department, Congress, or any grand jury impaneled in any judicial district of the United States.

5. JUDICIAL WATCH v. COMMISSION ON U.S. - PACIFIC TRADE & INVESTMENT POLICY - Civil Action No. 97-0099. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request and then a lawsuit against the Commission to find out how Charlie Trie, an Asian-American friend of Bill Clinton and John Huang, came to be appointed to it, at around the time he laundered over $600,000 of Chinese Communist cash into President Clinton's legal expense fund. The commission made recommendations to President Clinton's trade policy toward China.

6. JUDICIAL WATCH v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Judicial Watch is endeavoring to prove that Attorney General Janet Reno's failure to seek appointment of an independent counsel in the campaign finance scandal was in exchange for being allowed to keep her job as Attorney General. And on August 5, 1997 Judicial Watch made a major discovery that is a first step to proving the real reason behind Reno's failure to appoint an independent counsel despite overwhelming evidence.

7. ALEXANDER et al. v. FBI, et. al. - Civil Action No. 96-2123. Judicial Watch is representing the plaintiffs in a class-action suit filed by White House employees of the Bush and Reagan administrations whose FBI files were wrongly accessed by the Clinton White House. The White House and FBI are being sued under the federal Privacy Act, while the individual defendants B Bernard Nussbaum, Craig Livingstone, Anthony Marceca and Hillary Clinton B are being sued for common-law tort of invasion of privacy.

8. FLOCCO v. STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY, et. al. - Judicial Watch is legal counsel in a class action derivative suit on behalf of State Farm policyholders suing the company and its top executives for improperly paying President Clinton's legal fees and expenses arising out of the Paula Jones lawsuit.

9. JUDICIAL WATCH v. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION - Judicial Watch submitted a FOIA request to the Federal Aviation Administration, seeking information on the suspicious payments made to Webster Hubbell by the Los Angeles Airport Commission shortly before Mr. Hubbell went to prison.

10. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Civil Action No. 97-2089. Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit to obtain the documents that will explain the Clinton Justice Department's misconduct in three matters - Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Richard Jewell cover-ups. The FBI is among the agencies of the Justice Department from which Judicial Watch is seeking documents.


12. AIM v. FBI - Civil Action 97-2107.

13. AIM v. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE - Civil Action 97-2109. Judicial Watch filed these three related cases on behalf of Accuracy in the Media to uncover documentation behind the Clinton Administration's investigation into the death of former White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster. Despite these investigations being officially closed, the Clinton Administration has continued to refuse to release relevant documents.

14. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) - Civil Action No. 97-2026. Judicial Watch has filed suit to challenge the implementation of the Family Responsibility Act provisions on abstinence education by the Clinton Administration. According to media reports and concerned religious groups, the money is not being spent as Congress specifically directed and may instead be going to condoms and sex education.

15. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE DEATH OF RON BROWN - Judicial Watch petitioned the three judge panel which appoints independent counsels to "reopen" the inquiry of Ron Brown to determine the cause of his death. Pathologists in the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology believe that a bullet hole was found in Brown's head, yet an autopsy was not conducted at the direction of The White House. At the time of his death, Brown was a key witness in Judicial Watch's case against the Commerce Department and a likely defendant in a criminal proceeding.

16. JUDICIAL WATCH v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION - Civil Action 1:98CV00386 Judicial Watch sued the Federal Election Commission for its failure to investigate the sale of trade mission seats or campaign contributions in the Clinton Administration.

17. WESTERN JOURNALISM CENTER v. THOMAS CEDERQUIST, et. al. - Civil Action S-98-0872 On behalf of the Western Journalism Center, Judicial Watch sued IRS agent Thomas Cederquist and Margaret Milner Richardson, former IRS Commissioner, along with four additional unidentified IRS agents for conducting a politically motivated audit of the Western Journalism Center.

18. DOLLY KYLE BROWNING v. BILL CLINTON - As a settlement could not be reached, on behalf of Dolly Kyle Browning, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against, among others, President Clinton and Jane Mayer, a reporter for the New Yorker, alleging that she was harmed by these individuals in their attempts to prevent her from publishing a book describing her relationship with President Clinton.

19. JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. MARYLAND STATE PROSECUTOR - Judicial Watch filed a request under the Maryland Public Information Act in an attempt to gain information about prosecutor Stephen Montanarelli's politically motivated investigation of Linda Tripp. In an obvious attempt to intimidate Ms. Tripp, Mr. Montanarelli announced the start of his investigation just as Tripp was beginning her long awaited testimony before Ken Starr's grand jury. When Mr. Montanarelli did not produce documents, suit was filed.

20. JUDICIAL WATCH , INC. v. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION - Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request with the GSA for documents pertaining to the leasing of the office building known as "The Portals." When the GSA failed to turn over any documents, Judicial Watch filed suit.

21. W. L. MENG, et al. v. BERNARD SCHWARTZ, BILL & HILLARY CLINTON, AL GORE, JOHN HUANG, et. al. - Judicial Watch filed a derivative suit on behalf of shareholders of Loral Space and Communications, LTD. The suit alleges that Loral has been harmed because of its involvement in campaign finance and national security breaches.



24. JUDICIAL WATCH v. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - Civil Action No. 99-1111. Judicial Watch submitted FOIA requests to the State Department, the Defense Department, and the CIA seeking documents relating to the timing of the commencement of the Kosovo war and whether that timing was influenced by political considerations. When none of the agencies responded, Judicial Watch filed suit.

25. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE - Civil Action No. 99-1565. Judicial Watch filed a second lawsuit against the State Department when it failed to respond to Judicial Watch's FOIA request seeking documents relating to the April 8, 1999 state dinner hosted by President Clinton honoring Prime Minister Zhu Rongji of the People's Republic of China.

26. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE - Civil Action No. 99-1234. Judicial Watch filed suit against the Justice Department seeking documents relating to the Department of Commerce's trade missions and the decision of Attorney General Janet Reno not to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the alleged sale of seats on those trade missions by the Clinton Administration and/or the Democratic National Committee.

27. WESTERN JOURNALISM CENTER v. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE - Civil Action No. 99-906. On behalf of the Western Journalism Center, Judicial Watch sued the IRS to gain access to documents relating to the IRS' politically motivated audit of the Western Journalism Center.

28. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Civil Action No. 99-1038. Judicial Watch filed suit against the Justice Department seeking documents relating to Senator Orrin Hatch and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ("BCCI").

29. JUDICIAL WATCH v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Civil Action No. 99-1039. Judicial Watch filed suit against the Justice Department seeking documents relating to Orrin Hatch, Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation.

30. JUDICIAL WATCH v. EXPORT-IMPORT BANK - Civil Action No. 99-1693. Judicial Watch sued the Export-Import Bank to gain access to, among other things, documents relating to the granting of export insurance for goods exported to China.

31. JUDICIAL WATCH v. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION - Civil Action No. 99-1859. Judicial Watch sued the GSA to gain access to documents relating to Hillary Rodham Clinton's travel to New York State in support of her Senate candidacy. In particular, Judicial Watch is interested in documents detailing how Mrs. Clinton's travel is being financed and how much of the bill is being passed on to taxpayers.

32. JUDICIAL WATCH v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Civil Action No. 99-1233. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking documents regarding the appointment to the bench of The Honorable Denny Chin. When DOJ failed to turn over all responsive documents, Judicial Watch filed suit.

33. THE HONORABLE BOB BARR v. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT AND DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Civil Action No. 99-1695. Judicial Watch is representing Congressman Bob Barr, whose privacy rights were violated by the Executive Office of the President.

34. M. DENNIS SCULIMBRENE v. JANET RENO, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-2010. Judicial Watch is representing M. Dennis Sculimbrene, who served as a Special Agent in the FBI for 23 years. Mr. Sculimbrene was retaliated against by White House employees and others for testifying on behalf of former White House Travel Office Director Billy Dale, and for producing evidence showing that Craig Livingstone, a key player in the "Filegate" scandal, was hired by Hillary Clinton.

35. PAUL WEYRICH v. THE NEW REPUBLIC, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-1213. Judicial Watch is representing Paul Weyrich in a libel action against The New Republic and its editor, Martin Peretz. In its October 27, 1997 edition, The New Republic published an article which falsely and maliciously portrayed Mr. Weyrich as being mentally unsound and paranoid.

36. JUDICIAL WATCH v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION - Civil Action No. 99-1883. Judicial Watch learned that the FBI was maintaining a computer database containing information on persons, including religious leaders, active in the pro-life movement and submitted a FOIA request to the FBI and DOJ to obtain more information about the database. When DOJ and FBI refused to turn over any documents, Judicial Watch filed suit.

37. SHERYL HALL v. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-694-A. Judicial Watch is representing Sheryl Hall in a whistle-blower suit against Hillary Clinton, Marsha Scott, and several employees of the Executive Office of the President. Ms. Hall was retaliated against when she raised questions about the legality of the White House database (“WHODB”) and other activities.

38. DON & THERESA ADAMS v. TEAMSTERS LOCAL 115, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99cv-4910. Judicial Watch is representing Don and Theresa Adams, who were viciously assaulted by members of Teamsters Local 115 while engaged in a peaceful protest advocating the impeachment of President Clinton. Other defendants in this case include Lynne M. Abraham, Philadelphia District Attorney, and Philadelphia Mayor Edward G. Rendell.

39. JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. PANAMA CANAL COMMISSION - Civil Action No. 99- 2455. Judicial Watch filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain documents concerning, among other things, Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd., a corporation with ties to the Chinese government which may have bribed Panamanian officials to gain control of facilities controlling shipping through the Panama Canal.

40. JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. DEUTSCHE BANK, A.G., et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-2566. In this suit, Judicial Watch is seeking to prevent Deutsche Bank from closing a mortgage with President Clinton and Hillary Clinton for the purchase of their home in New York State. The Clintons’ loan application contains a $1.35 million guarantee by Democrat fundraiser Terry McAuliffe which constitutes a illegal gratuity to President Clinton in violation of 18 U.S.C. §201.

41. GENNIFER FLOWERS v. JAMES CARVILLE, GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS AND LITTLE, BROWN & COMPANY - CV-S-99-1629(DWH/LRL). Judicial Watch is representing Gennifer Flowers in a defamation suit against Carville and Stephanopoulos for statements they made on CNN’s “Larry King Live” and for statements made by Stephanopoulos in his book All Too Human: A Political Education. Carville and Stephanopoulos repeatedly called Mrs. Flowers a liar and falsely accused her of fabricating evidence about her relationship with President Clinton.

42. JUANITA BROADDRICK v. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-3381 (RCL). Judicial Watch filed suit on behalf of Juanita Broaddrick, the victim of a brutal sexual assault by William Jefferson Clinton, when the Executive Office of President refused to release documents concerning her as required by the Privacy Act.

43. GENNIFER FLOWERS v. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-3389 (RCL). Judicial Watch is also representing Gennifer Flowers in her suit against the Executive Office of the President which refused to turn over documents concerning her as required by the Privacy Act.

44. THE HONORABLE BOB BARR, et al., v. MADELEINE ALBRIGHT - Civil Action No. 99-3485 (CKK). Judicial Watch is representing Congressman Bob Barr and Albert Hendricks, a Panamanian tugboat operator in its efforts to reverse the unlawful transfer of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama.

45. ELIZABETH GANZI & THE GREATER WASHINGTON EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE v. THE WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE REGIONAL 2012 COALITION, et. al. - Civil Action No. 99-3379(JLG) Judicial represents Elizabeth Ganzi, an entrepreneur in the District of Columbia who formed an exploratory committee seeking to have 2012 Olympic Games held in the Washington, DC/Baltimore area. Ms. Ganzi’s efforts were thwarted by the Coalition and former Washington, DC mayor Marion Barry, among others, who improperly wrested control of the District’s bid from Ms. Ganzi.

46. DR. JERRY FALWELL, et al., v. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT & FBI - Case No. 6:00cv0005. Judicial Watch represents Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University, and several other organizations directed by Dr. Falwell against the Executive Office of the President and the FBI which failed to produce documents as required by the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

47. PAULA JONES v. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT - Civil Action No. 99-3379 (CKK) Judicial Watch is representing Paula Jones who was sexually harassed by William Jefferson Clinton when he was Governor of Arkansas. Judicial Watch filed suit against the Executive Office of the President on behalf of Ms. Jones when it failed to produce documents concerning her pursuant to the Privacy Act.

48. SONYA G. STEWART v. WILLIAM DALEY, et. al. - Civil Action No. 00-0568 (CKK) Judicial Watch filed suit against the Office of Independent Counsel, which refused to turn over documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act concerning the Office of Independent Counsel’s so-called “investigation” of the Filegate scandal.

49. JUDICIAL WATCH v. ROBERT RAY, INDEPENDENT COUNSEL - Civil Action No. 00-0568 (CKK) Judicial Watch filed suit against the Office of Independent Counsel, which refused to turn over documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act concerning the Office of Independent Counsel’s so-called “investigation” of the Filegate scandal.


51. JUDICIAL WATCH v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, - Civil Action No. 00-1396 (RCL) Judicial Watch has filed suit against the INS and the Department of Justice seeking documents concerning the INS’s decision to return Elian Gonzales to his father Juan Miguel Gonzales. Judicial Watch recently supplemented its request to include documents concerning the INS’s decision to conduct its unconstitutional raid on the home of Lazaro Gonzales to seize Elian.

52. JUDICIAL WATCH v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE & FBI - Civil Action No. 00-0745 (TFH) Judicial Watch filed suit against the Department of Justice and the FBI when they failed to turn over documents concerning President Clinton’s decision to grant clemency to several members of the FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist organization.

53. JUDICIAL WATCH v. GIULIANI - Judicial Watch, filed a request pursuant to New York State’s Freedom of Information Law seeking access to documents regarding the fundraising practices of Mayor Giuliani’s campaign for the United States Senate. When the Office of the Mayor did not respond, Judicial Watch filed suit.

54. DONATO DALRYMPLE v. JANET RENO, et. al. - (No. 00-01773)(Civ. Ungaro-Benages).

55. MICHAEL STAFFORD v. JANET RENO, et. al. - (No. 00-01774)(Civ. Middlebrooks).

56. SANDRA COBAS v. JANET RENO, et. al. - (No. 00-1810)(Civ. Ungaro-Benages) Judicial Watch is representing Donato Dalrymple, Michael Stafford, and Sandra Cobas. All three were assaulted and deprived of their 4th & 5th Amendment rights during the INS’s unconstitutional April 22, 2000 raid on the Miami home of Lazaro and Marisleysis Gonzales, during which Elian Gonzales was seized at gunpoint.

57. DOCUMENTS RELATED TO PAULA JONES LITIGATION - During the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, not associated with that case directly, Judicial Watch filed various legal proceedings to obtain information from the Jones case that may be helpful in litigation Judicial Watch has undertaken.

58. JOHNNY CHUNG v. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - This is an action for damages against as many as five (5) currently unknown officials of the U.S. Department of Justice, in their personal capacities, for depriving Plaintiff of rights secured by the First and Fifth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution while acting under color of federal authority.

59. NOTRA TRULOCK, III AND LINDA CONRAD v. LOUIS FREEH, et. al. - This is an action to redress violations of the First and Fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

60. ELIAN GONZALEZ v. JANET RENO, et. al. - These documents show that, from the outset, top government officials at the INS and in The White House were determined to achieve, and directed the agency to effectuate, a single goal -- the return of Elian Gonzalez to Fidel Castro's Communist Regime in Cuba.

61. JUDICIAL WATCH v. BALTIMORE ORIOLES - Judicial Watch asked Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig to investigate the hiring practices of the Baltimore Orioles and its owner Peter Angelos.

62. DONATO DALRYMPLE, et al., v. JANET RENO, et. al. - Case No. 00-01773-CIV-MORENO. Expanded lawsuit originally filed for Donato Dalrymple over the illegal raid ordered and implemented by Attorney General Reno, Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, and INS Commissioner Doris Meissner. The lawsuit now includes Donato Dalrymple and almost 50 other residents of Miami's Little Havana who were gassed or beaten and whose civil rights were violated on April 22, 2000.

63. Judicial Watch Florida Ballot Inspection - Enlisting a team of volunteers, and filing requests under Florida Statute 119.07, Judicial Watch is conducting its own ballot inspection and recount in 67 Florida counties, to ensure that history is not rewritten incorrectly by Jesse Jackson and other partisans and to pose solutions to our flawed voting system.

64. Documents Related to Congressman Gary A. Condit - Under the provisions of the Rules of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, Judicial Watch, Inc., in the public interest, filed a formal complaint against Congressman Gary A. Condit of the State of California, for violation of United States law, the U.S. House of Representatives Code of Official Conduct (House Rule XLIII), the Code of Ethics for Government Service, and for improper conduct that reflects upon the United States House of Representatives.

65. KATHLEEN WILLEY SCHWICKER v. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, et. al. - This is an action for violations of the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, the Ku Klux Klan Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1985(2) and 1986, and for the common law tort of invasion of privacy.

66. NOTRA TRULOCK, III v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT, et. al. - Complaint filed by Notra Trulock, III, for Department of Justice compliance with the Freedom of Information Act

67. JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY DEVELOPMENT GROUP - Complaint filed against NEPDG, Office of the Vice President, for compliance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2 (“FACA”), and the Freedom of Information Act.

68. JUDICIAL WATCH'S ASSISTANCE OF BROTHERS TO THE RESCUE - Hermanos Al Rescate or “Brothers to the Rescue” (BTTR) is a humanitarian, pro-democracy organization. Since 1991, BTTR volunteers have flown close to 2,000 search and rescue missions for Cuban refugees – saving the lives of over 4,200 Cubans seeking to cross the Florida Straits in search of freedom from Communist Cuba. BTTR advocates the non-violent establishment of a democracy in Cuba.

69. MATTER OF PLEA AGREEMENT FOR JAMES T. RIADY - James T. Riady and LippoBank California, stand at the center of a conspiracy to violate campaign fundraising laws and to engage in other wrongdoing, including bribery and espionage, that reaches to the highest levels of our government.

70. PETER F. PAUL v. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, et. al. - Complaint for Unjust Enrichment; Fraud; Breach of Special Duty; and Conspiracy; Jury Demand

71. Nomination of Ms. Elaine Chao to be Secretary of Labor - Judicial Watch is prepared to provide the Committee with additional documentation and testimony concerning our investigations and litigation relating to various campaign finance illegalities and other “Chinagate” matters.

72. Documents Related to the Ethics Complaint Against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - Judicial Watch filed this formal complaint against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York State for violation of United States law, the Senate Code of Official Conduct, and for improper conduct that reflects upon the United States Senate

73. Documents Related to Concerning President Clinton’s “Eleventh Hour Pardons” - Judicial Watch has developed considerable expertise in the Clinton-Gore Administration’s practice of trading favors for political campaign contributions.

74. JUDICIAL WATCH, INC. v. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION - Civil Action No. 00-2973 (RCL). Judicial Watch Fights in Court to Gain Access to Abortion Pill Documents.

75. Complaint Against Representative Tom DeLay and the NRCC - Complaint to the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice against Representative Tom DeLay of the 22nd Congressional District of the State of Texas and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).

76. RICARDO RAMIREZ v. JANET RENO, DORIS MEISSNER, ERIC HOLDER, et. al. - Complaint for action for money damages as authorized by the Ku Klux Klan Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1985(2) and for injunctive relief to restrain and enjoin the unlawful deprivation of the Plaintiff’s rights under the First and Fifth Amendments of the United States Constitution.

77. LCDR JOHN R. DALY, JR., U.S.N. v. FESCO AGENCIES, N.A., INC., and FESCO INTERMODAL, INC. - This is an action for battery and/or negligence resulting from an April 4, 1997 laser attack on Plaintiff, a U.S. Navy intelligence officer on a surveillance mission in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, by the Kapitan Man, a purported Russian merchant vessel owned and operated by Defendants. In actuality, the Kapitan Man is a Russia spy ship gathering information on U.S. ballistic missile submarines.

78. JUDICIAL WATCH'S ACTIONS TO FIGHT TERRORISM - After the attacks on America of 9/11/01, Judicial Watch has declared war on terrorism.

79. NOTRA TRULOCK, III, v. WEN HO LEE, et. al. - Case No. 00-1527-A and Case No. 00-1627-A (Charles Washington)

80. JUDICIAL WATCH v. CHARLES O. ROSSOTTI, et. al. - Complaint filed for injunctive and declaratory relief for for compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

81. JUDICIAL WATCH INC. v. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, et. al. - Complaint related to the bankruptcy of Enron Corporation.

82. JESSE LEE PETERSON v. JESSE JACKSON, et. al. - The lawsuit alleges the defendants, during a December 10, 2001 public meeting to discuss the awarding of minority-oriented contracts by Toyota, surrounded and assaulted Rev. Peterson – calling him “nigger” as they taunted and harmed him.

83. RALPH A. WILT, JR. v. ANDREW S. FASTOW, KENNETH L. LAY, et. al. - This action arises from the gargantuan fraud perpetrated by directors, officers, accountants, and attorneys of Enron Corporation (“Enron”), with the assistance of corrupt public officials, elected and appointed, against many of the shareholders of Enron, potential investors in securities issued by Enron, and the integrity of the securities market.

74 posted on 02/20/2002 5:45:01 PM PST by deport
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