Yes ma'am. I certainly am. So you know that this wasn't my choice of vocations, but since Jew bashing went into overdrive here, and so much of it was astoundingly hateful, no Jew worth their salt would sit still for it without posting factual information to expose the lies for what they were.
I was referring simply to your being NixNatAVanGInDaBurgh. (With whom I've also talked.)
That you have, and as I recall, there were not many disagreements in your beliefs and mine except you come from a Christian POV and I don't. We still agree on abortion, faith, morality, and deeply held convictions. I tried to explain what Orthodoxy is and you found it not so different from your own. So why are you asking the same questions?
Handle was too long? =)
Yeah. Asked John to let me shorten it because it was too hard for some people to remember, and I got freepmail after freepmail asking me what it meant. After explaining too many times to count, I shortened it. No secret. Just shorter.
Besides, I got personal cards advertising FR as NIX. They're pretty too. Got a red, red rose on them with the Free Republic website addy. Very kewl.
Indeed we do. These are the essentials of human conscience (God's law as inscribed on each human heart) which you will find to one degree or another in any civilization, faith or culture which seeks, loves and is OBEDIENT to truth.
(BenF -- this is the point on which I was trying to correct you re: the Protestant v. the Catholic teaching. I can go back to that thread if you wish but my point was that you will not see a faithful Catholic damning anyone to hell who serves God by remaining obedient to His law.)
I tried to explain what Orthodoxy is and you found it not so different from your own. So why are you asking the same questions?
I'm not asking the same questions. I was only asking the one question.
You said you'd never seen an objective criticism of Israel.
My follow-up to that was twofold: