I respect him because of his integrity, character and courage......things that you're obviously unfamiliar with. Wash your mind out with soap before you make such stupid comments to anyone else who has respect for this this country, this man, and his office.
Check out the rules. NO personal attacks. NO foul abuse. Your post is the most obscene thing I have seen on FR. But then again, that was your point, wasn't it?
I'm apologize for being crude, but I am mad enough to throw Molotovs over this asinine bill. The last thing I need when I'm stirred up (although I can't say it justifies what I wrote) is for Dubya's patriot thought police to come knocking on my door questioning my patriotism. I resent that. Besides, the very fact that he's considering signing the thing puts his very courage and integrity, when it comes to his Presidential oath to uphold our Constitution, in question.
Again, I unequivocally stand AGAINST this bill, PERIOD, and I believe it is my PATRIOTIC duty to do so. If you are not a Kool-aid-drinking Bushie, I again apologize. If you ARE one, I retract my original apology.