To: Constitution Day; Eala; Billthedrill; Publius
What are you two guys doing over here? I just ignored BilltheDrill, and lo and behold I'm reading an old thread about him.
Those were the days of the GIANTS!
I wonder if Bill is still making his beer . . .
78 posted on
03/28/2003 1:01:18 PM PST by
To: Slip18
His is still making his beer, thank God! His Christmas ale with a hint of orange peel was the hit of our last FReeper Meet in Tacoma.
79 posted on
03/28/2003 1:11:31 PM PST by
To: Slip18
Miss Slip, you list four of us then say "you
two"? I am confused.
I was there because after we met at the "Million American March" in Seattle, Libertina sent me a link to this.
80 posted on
03/28/2003 2:55:05 PM PST by
To: Slip18
BWAAHAHAHAHAHA! I have a new recipe I'm bottling tonight. It's a pale ale, out of one of the Boston Brewery's old recipes. Thames yeast. Should be drinkable in about two weeks, quite, er, "acceptable" in about a month. I'm thinking I need a little FReeper help sampling - sometimes bottling the stuff makes me more think than I drunk I am...
Maybe a VI party, God willing and the crick don't rise? VI, as in Victory in Iraq... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson