You have to realize though that the first and best job we do here on this site is what we type into it. We are letting the world know what we think and when people read our responses or the articles we post they will find out many things. For example, people just like us will know that they are not alone in how they feel. Any media types, be they radio, tv or print will know what a vocal segment of the population feels about stuff. Government officials can read the mood of the populus here WITHOUT having to pay some high-falutin' pollster to do a poll for them.
Don't sell your fellow Freepers short. I know some extremely busy people who are doing their level best just to log on for 30 minutes a day. Consider it a blessed luxury that you have the time and the gumption to do something extra.
That's just it, Slyfox. I haven't had the gumption for some years now. I guess that disqualifies me from complaining. :)