You should listen to your own advice.
They are called Africaners ; NOT Africans, and yes, there are two As in the name for the language... I made a typo. For shame, for shame. At least I know what I'm talking about, and unlike you , it isn't a pretense.
It's MRS. ! ms, no matter what the feminazis say, stands for manuscript.
Your personal attacks on me, my family, and ALL Afrikaners, is against the rules for postings. Not only that, your implied and not so implied imugnations of a people, whom you know virtually NOTHING at all about, is the sign of a benighted brain.
Just WHOM are you supposedly standing up for as their knight errant ? All blacks in Africa ? Is that is ? You imagine that YOU are their champion ? Al that you have done, is to show just how ill equipd you are to be a member of this forum; let alone post on it.