He said operations against U.S. targets could be launched by al Qaeda cells already in place in major cities in Europe and the Middle East and that the network could exploit its connections to other groups in countries such as Somalia, Yemen, Indonesia and the Philippines.It would have to be by al-Qaeda already in place because our security, especially at our airports, has gotten so much better since 9/11 They could not have slipped through the boarders since then unless they were disguised as a middle-eastern man.
I really hope that the terrorists DON'T strike again. If they do, I suspect Americans are going to demand nuclear reprisals and that ain't gonna be pretty.
Tenet like the clinton's knows no shame. He should have resigned by the end of the day, September 11th.
"Al Qaeda leaders still at large are working to reconstitute the organization and resume its terrorist operations,"
If they know this then why havn't they bothered to arrest them?
"al Qaeda may be pursuing a "radioactive dispersal device" -- a so-called dirty bomb."
Yea, I remember a post here on FR that detailed the "intellegence" that led to this... a hand-drawn diagram of nuke fuel rods wrapped around explosives. As pointed out in the replies, this was nothing more than fantasy since a: they are kind of hard to smuggle around and b: standing near one will kill you in minutes. Sounds to me as though the al Qaeda bought a case of the "Anarchist Cookbook" and this is what we see as "developing weapons of mass destruction". Maybe they should put some effort into stopping places like China from getting the technology and equipment that gives them REAL "weapons of mass destruction". I suspect that Iran and Iraq are not -and never will be- anywhere near the threat the China is.
"operations against U.S. targets could be launched by al Qaeda cells already in place"
With security like this:
Screeners Ignore 'Alarmed' Luggage they won't have any real problem doing so.
I havn't been very impressed by the "intellegence" community that "knew nothing" about 9/11 even though they are now "hot on the trail" of the terrorist cells. (Duh, you mean these anthrax spores might have leaked into the mail machines too? Who'd have thunk it?) So far all I've seen them accomplish is to disarm all the dangerous airline passengers of their nail clippers and find "plans for weapons of mass destruction" that are on the level of a high school kid with the internet and an encyclopedia at his disposal.
It's not very impressive considering the money and resources these agencies have at their disposal.