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THE EFFECTS OF REGENERATION - Calvinism ^ | Unknown | A.W. Pink

Posted on 02/01/2002 5:26:40 AM PST by CCWoody

All men are by nature the children of wrath, and are under the power of darkness. In this state men are not the subjects of Christ's kingdom and have no fitness for heaven. From this terrible state they are unable to deliver themselves. (I John 5:19; Romans 5:6) Out of this state they must be supernaturally called.(I Peter 2:9; Colossians 1:13) This divine "call" or work of grace is called in Scriptures as: REGENERATION (Titus 3:5); TRANSFORMATION (II Cor.3:18); THE NEW BIRTH, ILLUMINATION (II Cor. 4:6); SPIRITUAL RESURRECTION (John 5:24). This inward call is attended with justification and adoption and conversion,(which includes faith and repentance). (Romans 8:30; Eph. 1:5; Eph.2:1-10) Thus leading us to the EFFECTS OF REGENERATION.

Jesus in John 3:8 tells us of this matter, speaking of the blowing of the wind. Man is unable to originate, order or regulate the wind. Man knows very little of the cause which controls the wind, yet the presence of the wind is unmistakable; and its EFFECTS are plainly evidenced, "SO IS EVERY ONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT." BUT THE TRANSFORMING RESULTS BECOME PLAIN.

The illumination of the understanding Gen. 1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Then:" the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep." Next: "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," and God said: "Let there be light."

So it is when God begins to restore fallen man: "For God who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (II Cor. 4:6)

This Divine illumination is not by dreams, visions, or mere feelings, but the revelation of things to his mind and soul which have been all along in sacred Scriptures. Now the blessed Holy Spirit removes the blindfold from his eyes and opens his heart to receive the written Word. (Acts 16:14) Then He begins to powerfully apply to the mind and conscience some portion of it. The result is that the one renewed is able to say, "One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see." (John 9:25)

To be more particular, The sinner is now enlightened in the knowledge of his own terrible condition. He may earlier have known many Bible facts, even doctrinal statements, received much instruction; BUT NOW, the solemn declarations of God's Word concerning his fallen state are brought home in piercing power to him. He no longer justifies himself by comparison with his fellow man, he measures himself by the law of God. He is now terribly convicted by his own uncleanness and wickedness before a thrice holy God. ( Isaiah 1:6; 64:6)

By this new spiritual light which God communicates in REGENERATION he now sees that the "wages" he has earned by sin deserve eternal death. That he has placed himself under the awful wrath of God. He now realizes that he has lived his whole life in utter independence of God, having no regard for His glory, what pleased and displeased a holy God. He is thus brought to cry out "WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?"

He now understands truly the awful malignity of sin, as being not only contrary to the whole law of God, but contrary to the true nature of God Himself. He is convinced of the absolute impossibility of contributing anything to obtain his own deliverance. He no longer has any confidence in himself; he has been brought to the end of himself. As Paul wrote "He is without Christ and without hope in this world." (Eph.2)

Thus his mouth is stopped and he confesses himself GUILTY BEFORE GOD, and justly liable to His awful vengeance, both because of the plague of his own heart and his numerous transgressions.


By means of this illumination the renewed soul, under the Holy Spirit through the Word, now perceives (comprehends) how WELL SUITED Christ Jesus is to his poor wretched condition. The only hope he clings to is the prospect of obtaining deliverance from the "wrath to come" through the vicarious life and death of the Lord Jesus (i.e. Jesus Christ lived for and died right in the very place of a people). This keeps his soul from being overwhelmed with grief and from sinking into complete despondency because of the SIGHT of his sins.

As the Holy Spirit (through the Word) presents to him the infinite merits of Christ's obedience and righteousness, His tender compassion for repentant sinners, His great power to save, desires to share in that work now possess his heart. He is now resolved to look for salvation in no other. (person, working, or church) Under the gracious influences of the Holy Spirit, the soul is drawn by such words as these: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." or "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out,"and he is led to apply to Him for pardon, cleansing, peace, righteousness, strength.


Other acts besides turning to Christ, such as REPENTANCE, which is a godly sorrow for sin, a hating of sin as sin, and an earnest desire to forsake and be completely delivered from its pollution. In the light of God, the renewed soul now perceives the utter vanity of the world, and the worthlessness of those former worthless toys and perishing trifles which the godless strive so hard to acquire. He has been awakened from the dream-sleep of death, and things are now seen in their true nature. Time is precious, not to be frittered away. God in His awesome Majesty is an object of godly fear and reverence. His holy law is accepted as just and good. All of these perceptions (new sight, or new way of seeing what the Word has stated) and actions are included in that holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. In some these actions are more vigorous than in others, and consequently, are more seen by the man himself. But the fruits of them are visible to others in external acts.


By nature,(the state into which all men are born), the will of man is free in only one direction: AWAY FROM GOD. Sin has enslaved the will, therefore, do we need to be "made free" (John 8:36). The two states are contrasted in Romans 6: "free from righteousness" v20 and "free from sin" v 18, when we have been made alive unto God. At the new birth the will is liberated from the "bondage of corruption" (Rom. 8:21 cf II Peter 2:19), and rendered conformable to the will of God (Psalm 119:97). In our unregenerate state the will was naturally rebellious, and its language was, "Who is the Lord that I should obey Him?" (Exodus 5:2) But the Father promised the Son, "Thy people shall BE WILLING in the day of thy power" (Ps.110:3), and this is accomplished when God "worketh in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure" (Phil 2:13; Heb.13:21)

"A new heart, a new spirit...I will take out your stony heart...and I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes." (Heb.8:10; Ezek.36:26-27) The regenerated freely consent to and gladly choose to walk in subjection to Christ, being anxious now to obey Him in all things, even though imperfectly. His authority is his only rule, His love the constraining power: "If a man love me, he WILL KEEP my words." (John 14:23)

The will is so emancipated from the power of sin to be enabled to answer the Divine Command.


Rightly does the Lord claim first place as Creator, Owner, and Redeemer. "My son give Me thine heart" (Prov.23:26) expresses God's claim. They "first gave their own selves to the Lord" (II Cor.8:5) is the response of the regenerate. For before they were born anew, by natural birth they are "lovers of their own selves" and "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God" (II Tim.3:2,4). When a sinner is renewed, his affections are taken off his idols and fixed on his Lord (I Thess. 1:9). Hence it is written "with the HEART man believeth unto righteousness" (Rom.10:10).And hence, also it is written, "If any man LOVE NOT the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed" (I Cor.16:22).

In Deut. 30:6 we read: "And the Lord God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to LOVE the Lord thy God WITH ALL THY HEART." This is the renewing of the heart, severing its love from all illicit objects. None can truly love God supremely till this miracle of grace has been worked in him. Then, and only then, is it that the affections are refined and directed to their proper objects, He who once was despised by the soul, is now the "altogether lovely" One. He who was hated (John 15:18) is now loved above all others. "Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee." is now their joyous confession.

The love of God is now become the governing principle of their life. (II Cor.5:13) What before was drudgery is now a delight. The approval of His Saviour is now his concern. Gratitude moves his will to glad obedience. Then his heart goes out to members of Christ's family, no matter their nationality, social position, or church connections: "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (I John 3:14).


A tree is known by its fruits. Faith is evidenced by works. The principle of holiness manifests itself in a godly walk. "If ye know that He is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him" (I John 2:29). The deep longing of every child of God is to please his heavenly Father in all things, and though this longing is never fully realized in this life-"NOT as though I had ALREADY attained, either were already perfect" (Phil.3:12)- nevertheless he continues "reaching forth unto those things which are before."

A change will take place in the conduct of the most oral unconverted man as soon as he is born from above. Not only will he be far less eager in his pursuit of the world, more careful in his selections of companions, but he now realizes that the holy eye of God is ever upon him, marking not only his actions, but weighing his motives. He now bears the sacred name of Christ, and his deepest concern is to be kept from everything which would bring a reproach upon it. His aim is to let his light so shine before men that they may see his good works and glorify his Father which is in heaven. That which gives him concern and distress is not the sneers and taunts of the ungodly, but that he fails to measure up to the standard God has set before him, and that conformity to it after which he so yearns. BUT ought not the Christian to "grow in grace"? Yes, indeed. Yet it must be emphatically said that growing in grace most certainly does not mean an increasing satisfaction with myself. No, it is the very opposite. The more I walk in the light of God, the more plainly I see the vileness within me. The only relief from this distressing discovery and the only peace for the renewed heart is to look away from self to Christ and His perfect work for us. Faith empties of all self-complacency and gives an exalted estimate of God in Christ.


A growth in grace is defined, in great part, by the words that immediately follow: "...and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (II Peter 3:18). It is the GROWING realization of the perfect suitability of Christ to a poor sinner, the deepening conviction of His fitness to be the Saviour of such a vile wretch as the Spirit shows me I am. It is the apprehension of how much I need His precious blood to cleans me, His righteousness to clothe me, His arm to support me, His advocacy to answer me on high, His grace to deliver me from all my enemies, both inward and outward.

The more the heart is occupied with Christ, the more the mind is stayed on Him by trusting in Him (just camped right there, JCS) (Isaiah 26:3), the more will faith, hope, love, patience, meekness, and all spiritual graces be strengthened and drawn forth into exercise and action to the glory of God. The MANIFESTATION of growth in grace and in the knowledge of Christ is another thing. The actual process of growing is not perceptible either in the natural or in the spiritual sphere; but the results of it are, mainly so to others. The chief EVIDENCES of spiritual growth in the Christian are a deepening hatred of sin and a higher value put on spiritual things, a yearning after them, and a fuller recognition of our deep need and dependency on God to supply it.

"The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly" (Ps.84:11). Grace and glory are not to be separated. Grace is glory begun. Glory is grace elevated to its perfection in the eternal state. In I John 3:2, we are told that we shall be like Him, reason? "WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS." The immediate vision of the Lord of glory will be a transforming one, the bright reflections of God's purity and holiness cast upon the glorified will make them perfectly holy and blessed. BUT there is to be a resemblance of that here in the lives of His people. And too comes from BEHOLDING HIM. (II Cor.3:18)

"But we all...beholding...the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

(Excerpts from A.W. Pink on Regeneration and the new birth)

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: calvin
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To: RnMomof7, Race Bannon
On a lighter note, an old Baptist joke with a teeny grain of truth about the culture of Baptist churches:

I was walking in San Francisco along the Golden Gate Bridge when I saw a man about to jump off. I tried to dissuade him from committing suicide and told him simply that God loved him. A tear came to his eye. I then asked him, "Are you a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu, or what?" He said, "I'm a Christian." I said, "Me, too, small world. Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me too, what franchise?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Well, me too. Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Well, call Ripley! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist or Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist." I said, "Remarkable! Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "It's a miracle! Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Great Lakes Region 1879 or Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Great Lakes Region of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Reformed Baptist Great Lakes Region of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" and pushed him over.

I thought Race, as a General Baptist, might enjoy this old chestnut.
461 posted on 02/13/2002 7:35:42 AM PST by George W. Bush
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To: CCWoody
I only use the term 'hyper-Calvinist' to differentiate between the types of Calinvist views. No offense intended - I actually got this term from Calvinists. LOL

It seems to me that God has implanted a desire for Him within every human being. The vast majority of people try to fulfill that desire with worldly things (unsuccessfully, but they try, none the less). Some of us are blessed enough to be saved so we are able to fulfill that desire for God with God. In reading scripture, it just seems so clear to me that God calls all, but allows us the choice to come to Him or not. Perhaps he screams at some and whispers at others, but He calls none the less.

462 posted on 02/13/2002 7:44:13 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: xzins;Jerry_M
If Agrippa says "no" and then comes back later and says "yes," then there is some reflection material that's appropriate to the subject of irresistible grace. However, Agrippa did not so far as I know. History says that he and Bernice were in an incestuous relationship at the time he said "no" to Paul.

I think just the opposite is true X. I think the fact that a man hears the gospel yet NEVER comes to Christ reflects the doctrine of Grace.

Many say NO NO NO untill they say yes.

Did they get smarter? Holier? Or did they Pastor preaching do a "better" job? Nope Karios my friend..

Ecclesiastes 3
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

463 posted on 02/13/2002 7:44:43 AM PST by RnMomof7
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To: xzins;Jerry_M
One could claim, however, that Paul himself is an example of one who was presented the gospel, who turned it down, and who later reversed that decision and accepted it. Paul rejected the presentation of Stephen. He accepted that of The Lord himself (with an assist from Ananias.)

After the grace of God changed his heart X...Kairos

How did Paul see it?

Ephesians 1
1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:
2 Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

464 posted on 02/13/2002 7:48:27 AM PST by RnMomof7
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To: Jerry_M
Please read and re-read your words carefully. If this is the case, in what does that person glory? In his wisdom in making a "better choice" of course. I will glory in the cross.

Jerry, wouldn't you say the guy made a better choice the 2nd time than he did the first said you believe in free choice? Also, I would say that you made a better choice the time you said "yes" than those times that you said, "no." Don't you agree that saying yes was better than saying no?

I was distinctly aware the time I finally said "yes" that I could reject the Spirit's working with me. I'm glad I didn't. It would've been tragic.

Free choice means good choices and bad choices or it means nothing at all. If you cannot say that your choice for Christ was better than your choice against Christ because of some fear of being accused of "works righteousness" then we must have different definitions of free choice. I'm gonna ponder this one.

I also think that person X who chooses FOR Christ has made a better choice than person Y who chooses AGAINST Christ.

465 posted on 02/13/2002 7:51:12 AM PST by xzins
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To: Jerry_M
Please read and re-read your words carefully. If this is the case, in what does that person glory? In his wisdom in making a "better choice" of course. I will glory in the cross.

Jerry, wouldn't you say the guy made a better choice the 2nd time than he did the first said you believe in free choice? Also, I would say that you made a better choice the time you said "yes" than those times that you said, "no." Don't you agree that saying yes was better than saying no?

I was distinctly aware the time I finally said "yes" that I could reject the Spirit's working with me. I'm glad I didn't. It would've been tragic.

Free choice means good choices and bad choices or it means nothing at all. If you cannot say that your choice for Christ was better than your choice against Christ because of some fear of being accused of "works righteousness" then we must have different definitions of free choice. I'm gonna ponder this one.

I also think that person X who chooses FOR Christ has made a better choice than person Y who chooses AGAINST Christ.

466 posted on 02/13/2002 7:51:32 AM PST by xzins
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To: RnMomof7
Who shapened us? That would be God, right? I'm not trying to blame God for my sin - when I sin, I chose that like I chose to receive Christ when I heard the good news. It just seems to me that the issue is still out there. If man has no choice in the matter, then God is ultimately responsible for our sin.
467 posted on 02/13/2002 7:59:46 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: rnmomof7
I think just the opposite is true X. I think the fact that a man hears the gospel yet NEVER comes to Christ reflects the doctrine of Grace.

Sorry, Mom, but it doesn't set up a comparison if someone steadfastly continues to say "no."

And, yes, I do think there could be growth to a better understanding. For example in Act 28 some were convinced by Paul's persuasive argument.

But we want to hear what your views are, for we know that people everywhere are talking against this sect." 23 They arranged to meet Paul on a certain day, and came in even larger numbers to the place where he was staying. From morning till evening he explained and declared to them the kingdom of God and tried to convince them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets. 24 Some were convinced by what he said, but others would not believe.

468 posted on 02/13/2002 8:00:43 AM PST by xzins
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To: xzins; Jerry_M
" I'd also say that person made a better choice the second time than he did the first time." - xzins
Please read and re-read your words carefully. If this is the case, in what does that person glory? In his wisdom in making a "better choice" of course. I will glory in the cross. - Jerry_M
Yes, there are some who have been hinting around about this. An oldie but goodie question of mine:
So, were you smarter or more spiritual or more humble? There is a difference [between someone who accepts the gospel and someone who rejects the gospel]. God created you just like He created everyone else. What did God give you that is different than those who hear and reject the gospel?

397 posted on 2/12/02 8:47 AM Pacific by CCWoody

And in this particular case, what is different about you the last time you heard the gospel and finally were saved?

For that matter, why was God pleased to afford you multiple opportunities to hear the gospel when some only get one chance and some never get a single chance? Does He not love everybody the same?

469 posted on 02/13/2002 8:01:41 AM PST by CCWoody
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To: CCWoody
Man is the apple of God's eye. :)
470 posted on 02/13/2002 8:04:23 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: xzins
Of course it was a "better choice". However, what precipitated that choice? Did he get smarter? Did he get more holy? Did he get more spiritual?

No, he got a new living heart to replace his heart of stone. he was born again and received the gift of salvation.

471 posted on 02/13/2002 8:06:25 AM PST by Jerry_M
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To: the_doc
LOL Maybe I don't. Let me use an analogy that shows what I think Calvinists are saying and what I'm saying. You may not like the analogy, but maybe it will clear things up.

If mankind was a box of rats, I view Calvinists as saying that God reaches down into the box and randomly selects some rats to snatch out of the box. My view is that God reaches down into the box, gently coaxes, and lifts out those rats who climb on to His hand.

If my understanding of what Calvinists are saying about the box of rats is incorrect, please enlighten me.

472 posted on 02/13/2002 8:07:05 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: MEGoody; Jerry_M; the_doc
I only use the term 'hyper-Calvinist' to differentiate between the types of Calinvist views. No offense intended - I actually got this term from Calvinists. LOL

Well, if you are going to use the term, then it might be good for you to know the difference between a hyper-Calvinist and a Calvinist: The hyper-Calvinist denies the Free Offer of the gospel (correction requested if I have this wrong); the Calvinist does not. So, as a Calvinist, I believe more of the Bible than a hyper-Calvinist. I also, in the same sense believe more of the Bible than does an Arminian.

It seems to me that God has implanted a desire for Him within every human being. The vast majority of people try to fulfill that desire with worldly things (unsuccessfully, but they try, none the less). Some of us are blessed enough to be saved so we are able to fulfill that desire for God with God. In reading scripture, it just seems so clear to me that God calls all, but allows us the choice to come to Him or not. Perhaps he screams at some and whispers at others, but He calls none the less.

In what sense does God call those who never ever have the chance to hear the gospel even one time?

473 posted on 02/13/2002 8:09:21 AM PST by CCWoody
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To: MEGoody; the_doc
Your "box of rats" analogy only needs a bit of a tweak in order to represent the Calvinistic view.

It is a box of dead rats. God lifts some out, and gives them new life. Thus, they are not able to crawl up His hand.

474 posted on 02/13/2002 8:09:37 AM PST by Jerry_M
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To: CCWoody
So, were you smarter or more spiritual or more humble? There is a difference [between someone who accepts the gospel and someone who rejects the gospel]. God created you just like He created everyone else. What did God give you that is different than those who hear and reject the gospel?

You miss the point, Woody.

Do YOU think it was a better choice for me to choose Christ or to reject Christ?

As far as your objection about "works righteousness" is concerned, here's the formula: THE LORD ENLIGHTENS, The Sinner Chooses.

If He gives one the same wage at the end of the day as he gave those who'd labored all day long, it says that it was his money and he can spend it how he chooses. ALL, however, WERE paid; no one was NOT paid.

Is this favoritism? Only if He doesn't give each an opportunity. We have no idea how he must work to get some to this point even once. Then, of course, there is the issue of promise: for example, He has indicated that the children and spouses of believers are set apart in a special way -- 1 Corinthians 7:14 1 Corinthians 7 1 Corinthians 7:13-15 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

475 posted on 02/13/2002 8:16:57 AM PST by xzins
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To: CCWoody
Woody, I've always been told that the "hyper" calvinist is the "double predestinarian." Perhaps that automatically includes the "no evangelism necessary" crowd, also. I don't know.
476 posted on 02/13/2002 8:19:06 AM PST by xzins
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To: CCWoody
Well, I'm paraphrasing here because I'm on lunch break at work and don't have my bible handy, but as I recall, scripture states there is no excuse. If there's no excuse, then doesn't that mean God has called all of us? If not, then those who never have the hope offered to them DO seem to have an excuse.
477 posted on 02/13/2002 8:21:53 AM PST by MEGoody
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To: George W. Bush
You Baptist basher!! I'm going to have you banned!!!...oh, wait, thought I was someone else there...sorry...
478 posted on 02/13/2002 8:23:09 AM PST by RaceBannon
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To: xzins; Jerry_M
Free choice means good choices and bad choices or it means nothing at all. If you cannot say that your choice for Christ was better than your choice against Christ because of some fear of being accused of "works righteousness" then we must have different definitions of free choice. I'm gonna ponder this one.

Let's say that I have prepared a buffet for you. You may eat anything you want. I have prepared every single dish but one with peanut products. You have a deadly reaction to peanuts. How have I destroyed your free will?

BTW, you have now introduced a new term to us: free choice. This is different than free will. So, tell me, what choice did the American indians have before the gospel came to these lands? Did God not love them too?

479 posted on 02/13/2002 8:23:46 AM PST by CCWoody
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To: Jerry_M
Spiritual death seems to imply to you that the individual is unable to recognize or function in any capacity whatsoever toward God. I think Adam and Eve's actions after being driven out of the Garden of Eden would indicate otherwise. They tried to serve God at least in some capacity, even though they were 'dead'. Further, it is well known that over 90% of people on earth believe in some form of 'higher power.' Now, I grant you that many of them have it wrong, but it seems pretty clear to me that God tugs at everyone's heart at some point in their physical life.
480 posted on 02/13/2002 8:27:32 AM PST by MEGoody
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