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You are a wealth of info, my sweet.
62 posted on 01/31/2002 11:03:57 PM PST by katykelly
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To: katykelly

fraudulent phone contact info given with registration



By: Phil Brennan

posted August 26, 2001

There is a website mistakenly called (it should be .con)- run by a gaggle of Marxist thugs who could have taught Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels a thing or two about political slander.

A visit to their website is something akin to stepping into a cesspool - on emerging one feels soiled and filled with revulsion. I'm not easily shocked - I lived through years of Marxist propaganda emanating from the bowels of 3 Dzerzinski Square, KGB headquarters in Moscow which turned out slanderous lies about the Kremlin's anti-communist foes - but one of democrats.con's latest assaults on the truth astounded me.

Here it is in all its enormity:

"Bush White House Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Neo-Naziesque 'FReeper' Group"

"Bush has made it all but impossible for anyone who disagrees with him to get within a mile of the White House. But now we find he gave a cozy special welcome to a large party of so-called FReepers (short for Free Republic). These folks are, essentially, one step on the food chain above Neo-Nazis, and often just as vicious. They are the ones responsible for a high % of the especially nasty (i.e, unprintable here), even threatening e-mails to folks who express opinions they don't like on Internet forums (we've gotten some pretty horrendous FReeper mail here at Dems, believe me!). They are bigoted, paranoid, and very pro-gun - not a very nice combination. Yet these are the folks given a big ole warm southern (Confederate?) welcome by the White House. So, when can we expect the formation of the "Bush Youth" movement?"

Let's dissect that masterpiece of Goebbelian nonsense line by line:

1. Bush has made it impossible for anyone who disagrees with him to get within a mile of the White House -

How is it that comrades Daschle & Gephardt and other members of the Democrat Socialist party pay regular visits to the White House? As fervent advocates of socialist dogma they disagree with the President almost always.

2. But now we find that he gave a cozy special welcome to a large party of so-called FReepers (short for Free Republic).

He did no such thing. He couldn't. He was on his ranch in Texas on August 18th, the day members of the D.C. chapter of Free Republic were given a tour of the Executive Mansion.

Moreover, President Bush had nothing to do with the visit of these good people. They were given a tour arranged by Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga) - the kind of tour members of Congress routinely arrange for constituents and other friendly groups.

3. These folks are, essentially, one step on the food chain above Neo-Nazis, and often just as vicious.

What was that about vicious? Freepers are the kind of concerned patriots who made this nation, fought its wars, and are dedicated to preserving our liberty in the face of the Marxist onslaught now led by the Democrat Socialist party.

They are the loyal Americans who are fans of the Free Republic website which allows members to post their opinions and encourages them to voice their opinions in a forum that permits politically incorrect thought (meaning anti-Marxism) to be aired in an era when the socialist U.S. mainstream media goes to great lengths to silence it.

One apparent reason why the thugs at have it in for the Free Republic group is the fact that the Freepers have researched the origins of the website and broadcast information the backers of would just as soon not see the light of day.

4. They are the ones responsible for a high % of the especially nasty (i.e, unprintable here), even threatening e-mails to folks who express opinions they don't like on Internet forums (we've gotten some pretty horrendous FReeper mail here at Dems, believe me!).

Translation: They send e-mail protesting the slime posted on

5. They are bigoted, paranoid, and very pro-gun - not a very nice combination. Yet these are the folks given a big ole warm southern (Confederate?) welcome by the White House.

My God - they support the Second Amendment right of self-defense? What could they be thinking? They were given no more of a greeting than any of the other congressionally-sponsored tour groups who visited the White House that day.

6. So, when can we expect the formation of the "Bush Youth" movement?

In other words, the Bush White House is one step away from talking a page from the Hitler Youth Movement - did I see something about being vicious?

The Democrat party whose cause these slimeballs champion is for all intents and purposes a national socialist party - it's impossible to differentiate between the goals of socialism and those of the national Democrat party - a whole slew of top members of Congress, for example, belong to the so-called Progressive Caucus - an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Keep that in mind when you read such tripe as "These folks are, essentially, one step on the food chain above Neo-Nazis, and often just as vicious." or "So, when can we expect the formation of the "Bush Youth" movement?"

For what is essentially a socialist group to compare the President of the United States, and a group of patriotic Americans to Nazi thugs is to overlook the fact that the Nazi party was a socialist organization - National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP, called, for short, Nazi).

A socialist organization - just like the current National Democrat Socialist Elite Party which backs the website.

Just who are these people?

I am indebted to a dogged researcher (not a freeper) who has done a bang-up job of digging into the slimepit that calls itself What follows is part of his research results.

" has long denied any affiliation with the Democrat Party and has stated so when soliciting contributions for political activism. But the record suggests that is closely affiliated with the Democrat party through several high level Democrat party insiders and a purported business relationship. It is further evident that participated in and solicited donations for several "independent" efforts benefiting Al Gore during the Florida recounts, all this despite it's close relationship with the Democrat party and what also appears to be a relationship of some degree - informally if not formally - with the Gore campaign itself...

"Through a lengthy search of the website, WHOIS domain name searches, and news releases, I have identified the following Democratic party and Clinton official insiders to be involved in in a leadership capacity. has long presented itself to the media and the public as unaffiliated with the DNC and Democrat leadership. Similarly, the DNC has also denied affiliation with

But's board of directors demonstrates that this claim is not very truthful. The fact is, is operated by high level DNC insiders, former Clinton Administration officials, and former Al Gore for President campaign officials. also boasts in the deeper pages of its website about a strong business connection with the DNC and the campaign websites of Democrat congressmen..."

David Lytel - Webmaster for the Clinton Whitehouse (formerly at Lytel served in the Clinton Administration from 1993 until 1996 as the Whitehouse webmaster and as a writer for Al Gore. Lytel's profile on the "members only" portion of the site (it is accessible by password after you join touts his Whitehouse website as being called "easily one of the best sites on the Net" by the webzine Hotwired ... Lytel currently is involved in the Sherpa Consulting Group of Syracuse, NY.

Greg Simon - Former Gore Domestic Policy advisor in the office of the Vice President. Simon was also Gore's chief campaign strategist during his 2000 Presidential bid and post election recount. Simon was a part of the Gore campaign's "inner circle" along with Bill Daley and Donna Brazille.

Arkansas native Simon's background includes having worked for Gore as his chief domestic policy advisor during the Clinton administration, and then as a lobbyist for several technology companies including the domain registry firm Network Solutions Inc (“Gore's lobbyist contributors reap access.” Boston Globe, 1/26/00). ... He presently heads up Simon Strategies Inc., a D.C. technology consulting firm. Simon has also served on the advisory board of

Simon was the honored speaker at a event hosted during the Democrat National Convention in Los Angeles last year. His profile on's "members only" section notes that Simon "serves as an informal advisor to the Gore campaign." Aside from demonstrating that (1) Simon tends to stretch the truth - he was a lot more than a mere "informal advisor" and (2) Simon hasn't updated his biography since his candidate lost, this site also shows that Simon was a part of in some capacity at the same time he was working on the Gore campaign. Whether he was on the board of directors at the time of the campaign is unknown, but it appears to be highly likely. Simon is certainly on the board of directors for now and has been since the first I knew of early last March.

Jim Buie - Buie is an ex-reporter and the founder of Internet Democrats, the predecessor site of Internet Democrats also ran an organization called Friends of Hillary, which set up state chapters to support Hillary Clinton. Though I have been unable to find much information on this organization (which now has been incorporated to, I believe it is behind a recent internet rumor that suggests Hillary Clinton is the real force behind Again, I have not verified the Hillary Clinton rumor, but it could have a connection to "Friends of Hillary" through Buie ...

Jonathan P. "Jock" Gill - A former Clinton Administration official who served as Director of Special Projects in the Office of Media Affairs. Gill worked on the 1992 Clinton/Gore campaign as one of their technology experts. He is currently a frequent article author on and runs Penfield-Gill Inc. a media consulting firm used by, among others, Simon Strategies of Greg Simon.

Stan Greenberg - The Al Gore for President campaign's chief pollster and all around DNC insider. Aside from the Gore campaign, Greenberg was used as a pollster by Bill Clinton during his early Whitehouse term (the two apparently split paths after the 1994 Republican takeover of congress). Greenberg is also the husband of prominent Democrat rep. Rosa DeLauro [editor's note: A member of the above-mentioned progressive Caucus]. Greenberg's work as a pollster/consultant includes Democrats Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Chris Dodd, Jeff Bingaman, Walter Mondale, and Joseph Lieberman, not to mention the Democratic National Committee. Greenberg is often considered the foremost Democrat pollster in the business.

Dick Bell - Bell is the former Interactive Media Director of the DNC and currently works for Worldwatch Institute a left wing environmentalist organization. Bell's background in the Democrat party goes all the way back to 1984 when he worked on John Kerry's senate race. Bell worked for the DSCC (Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee) as an opposition researcher for Democrat challenger campaigns. Bell also helped create the DNC website

Bob Fertik - Founder of the 501(c)4 feminist group Women Leaders Online. Fertik is also involved in the Eleanor's List Fund, which recruits pro-abortion Democrat women candidates in New York. It is rumored that Fertik is involved in a group called Democrats for Choice. He was a consultant to Geraldine Ferrarro's NY senate bid in 1998 against Chuck Schumer in the primary. Fertik also has some sort of connection with a reported umbrella group for left wing "non-profit" organizations called I-progress, which he runs out of a New York City post office box (PO Box 20594, New York , NY 10021), which also happens to be the same post office box used by the 501(c)4 Women Leaders Online AND by

Personnel is not the only direct tie between and the Democrat party. As was noted, reports itself to have extensive direct business relations with the DNC and other Democrat party institutions.

DNC - According to's own website, is the "exclusive vendor of Internet services for the Democratic National Committee's online store.

DCCC - According to's own website the "Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee selected for... building and hosting a secure Intranet for House campaign managers." They also list "Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee/Take Back the House" as one of their customers. claims on its website to have hosted the websites of several dozen congressional campaigns.

In researching, I have identified at least eleven separate domain names that are owned and used by through domain registration WHOIS searches. I have noted each domain, who it is registered to, date of registry, contact, site that it links to, and any unusual characteristics surrounding it. Most of these domain names were set up for individual political causes, which seem to operate under the umbrella of There could easily be more than those I have listed, and in fact I believe there to be more as I keep stumbling across new ones. Please note that many of these domain names are registered at the same P.O. box that is used by a non-profit 501(c)4 feminist group called Women Leaders Online. Registered to: David Lytel, Sherpa Consulting (Syracuse, NY) Domain record created on: 2-28-2000 Phone contact: 315-234-0101 Purpose: home page

Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 11-01-2000 (6 days BEFORE the election) Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Website claiming Bush stole the election (formatted in an extremely similar manner to several other sites owned by Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration. Notice that Lytel registered the domain name on November 1st, 6 days before the election and long before anybody knew who was going to win. This suggests the website was created to as a preparation tool to attack Bush's legitimacy if and when he won the presidency a week later. Recall that Gore campaign strategists were prepared for the event that there would be a contested election before election day, and quickly mobilized in Florida within a day of the election. Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 11-08-2000 (the day after the election) Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: To advocate pro-Gore recounts and litigation efforts in Florida, and to solicit contributions to further promote pro-Gore efforts in Florida. Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration. The date this website was registered is also peculiar and suggests possible insider knowledge of a long, drawn out election contest. Recall that on the day after the election, most political pundits still thought that the election would be settled by the automatic recount expected to conclude later that week. Only as the end of the automatic recount approached was there any indication that election contests would continue for another month. Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 11-29-2000 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: To solicit contributions for and promote the infamous Seminole County absentee ballot lawsuit. Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration. Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 01-12-2001 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Website claiming that Gore won Florida Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 02-08-2001 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: website about a Bush "scandal" based upon a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by the former state treasurer of the Democratic Party of Texas, who was fired from her job with the state government after one of the workers under her complained she was using him to research Bush's campaign finance reports from his gubernatorial race. Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 04-14-2000 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Redirect URL to the conservative website Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 04-14-2000 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Redirect URL to the conservative website Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 10-21-2000 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Website repeating Larry Flynt's unsubstantiated accusation about an illegal abortion in Texas involving Bush during the 1970's Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 01-11-2001 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Website opposing John Ashcroft's nomination as attorney general Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration Registered to: David Lytel, PO Box 20594 (New York, NY) Domain record created on: 10-06-2000 Phone contact: 123-456-7890 Purpose: Website alleging that Bush failed to complete his air national guard service Notes: obviously fraudulent phone contact info given with registration

And this is only part of the story of this bunch of socialist malcontents who continue to question the legitimacy of George W. Bush's presidency.

This, by the way, is the same disreputable outfit that insists against all the evidence that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is involved in an adulterous affair with a member of his administration - a rumor even the most ardent anti-Bush journalists scorn as a disgusting and outright falsehood. is the Democrat Party - and just reading the filth and distortions it publishes says more about that party than its most dedicated foes could say.

65 posted on 01/31/2002 11:11:41 PM PST by TLBSHOW
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