A single zero probability event suffices for the honest man.
I take it you do not believe in evolution. Or are you claiming to be dishonest?
Belief does not enter into it. Understanding evolution depends only on knowledge of the physical world. The existence of the process of evolution is an irrefutable fact. Life on this planet is old and has changed continuously since its inception.
You seem not to recognize these simple facts yet you espouse preposterous conjectures with no basis in reality in order to create the appearance of statistically impossible events that preclude the natural progression of life over time. Here is a simple test of your method. Try it going backward through time. Life begets life in a continuum. Life today is clearly different than life even in the recent past. Because you will be dealing with known events (probability one)at every stage you will be forced to recognize (if you are honest) the absurdity of your zero probability argument.