Reply: It violates my Will(and the Will of the majority) Under modern theories of law "Will" is the basis of law see e.g. CC 22 "Law is an expression of will.
STATEMENT:"...provided it is practiced privately among consenting adults."
REPLY: A phrase loaded with assumptions e.g. tomorrow the legislature decrees an adult is a male ten years old. Unless the two practitioners are identical twin sodomites raised in a house and never going out they must meet somewhere outside the home. Their "courtship" in public is offensive. My 17 year old daughter has the "right" to be free from the sight of their courtship.
STATEMENT: " I think this obsession with controlling the private sexuality of consenting adults..."
REPLY:" I think this obsession with removing laws as to consenting adults is pathological.
STATEMENT:" I think this obsession with controlling the private sexuality of consenting adults..."
REPLY: This assumes the function of law is to control behavior. Where in the hell did you pick up this assumption. There was an older theory-no longer followed, that the function of law was social control. The law gives freedom. For the sodomite-as does any criminal-has choice. To do or not to do.
This is perhaps the most utterly stupid thing I have ever read.
You can't legislate "choices." :~)
If your daughter has that right, then in the name of equal rights, all people must be prohibited by law from giving displays of affection in public.
Obviously, your daughter doesn't have that right. However, you do have the right to teach your daughter that homosexual behavior is wrong and sinful. But you don't have the right to insist that government back up your particular teachings and beliefs by enforcing laws that discriminate against certain select individuals, which don't apply to others.
Too bad you're a couple centuries late for your dream regime.
Wrong. There is nothing in the Consitition or Bill of Rights that gives one the right to not be offended.