I can see the logic behind his idea, but he didn't account for friction or the rate of power use and replenishment. Tell me, did his alternator do anything at all other than cause more friction? Did he have it wired right?
the guy who had found a way to get "free energy" by using AC out of the wall
Somehow this doesn't seem to qualify for "free energy".
Any more stories of crazy inventors? Those were good.
Eric's History of Perpetual Motion and Free Energy Machines.
Perpetual Motion Machines, Free Energy.
Perpetual Motion.
The Museum of Unworkable Devices .
(You) I can see the logic behind his idea, but he didn't account for friction or the rate of power use and replenishment. Tell me, did his alternator do anything at all other than cause more friction? Did he have it wired right?
Frankly I don't know, but the go cart was only going 1-2 MPH so there was not a whole lot of flux change goin' on in that alternator. You have to understand this was a go-cart (with a person in it) that was being propelled by a DC screwdriver. This meant it took 10-15 minutes (at least it seemed) to go the distance. But those were his 15 minutes of glory because everybody in the subdivision would come out and watch. It also cooked the screwdrivers every few trips but that proved he was getting lots o' energy don't you know. LOL
(Me) the guy who had found a way to get "free energy" by using AC out of the wall
(You) Somehow this doesn't seem to qualify for "free energy".
Yeah, somehow.