I said that God decided to grant free will before he looked through time. That says nothing about God being blind, or putting on blinders, or not looking.
He could look individually at any soul who ever lived. If he decided before time that they would have free will, then when he looked at them, they would ALREADY be making free will decisions. Their eternal destination then, would be based on their own decisions.
Great! I think that I do understand your position. It is what I mean when I do say that God created "blindly." However, free will is entirely outside of the question. Man can have whatever amount of free will you want to give him. Is God's foreknowledge based upon His actions towards man or man's actions toward Him?
BTW, the reason that I flag someone is because they do have an interest in the post, not that I need to tag team you. I'm perfectly willing to discuss it in isolation. However, when I do paraphrase my friend, I like to let him know that I am shamelessly stealing "his ideas."