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To: Donald Stone; Askel5; OKCSubmariner
"The SEC fully looked into the matter, they looked at every aspect of it ... and the people who looked into it said they have no case,"
George W. Bush - July 8, 2002 - Source

"How thorough the SEC inquiry was remains unclear. Jordan said Harken provided investigators with "thousands of pages" of documents, including the June 11 minutes and Faulkner's July 13 communique. Investigators interviewed Cummings, stockbroker Smith and a member of the Arthur Andersen auditing team, but they did not talk to Faulkner or any other officers or directors of Harken."
The Washington Post - Bush Name Helps Fuel Oil Dealings - By George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano - Friday, July 30, 1999; Page A1.

"I absolutely had no idea and would not have sold it had I known,"
George W. Bush - The News during his 1994 campaign for governor. - Source: The Dallas Morning News - By Mark Curriden - September 7, 2000 - Article: Records Show What Bush Knew Before Stock Sale.


"The records released Wednesday show Mr. Bush, a Harken board director and member of its audit committee, received a so-called "flash sheet" in early June 1990 estimating quarterly losses for the company would reach $4 million.

Other reports available to Mr. Bush disclosed that Harken faced a "liquidity crisis" regarding the refinancing of it's $43 million debt. Another told Mr. Bush the company was "in a state of noncompliance" with its lenders.

Those same documents also say the company expected to make a profit in subsequent quarters and that two of its largest stockholders had agreed to refinance its debt.

Federal law prohibits company insiders, such as corporate directors and consultants, from buying and selling stock based on private information they received as an officer of the company."
Source: The Dallas Morning News - By Mark Curriden - September 7, 2000 - Article: Records Show What Bush Knew Before Stock Sale.

Bush Defends Stock Sale And Vows To Enhance SEC

By Elisabaeth Bumiller and Richard A. Oppel Jr.
July 9, 2002

President Bush defended himself today against a barrage of questions about his own corporate stock dealings even as he vowed to take a tougher line in a speech in New York on Tuesday against corrupt corporate executives.

As pressures mounted today from Democrats in Congress, Mr. Bush repeatedly dismissed assertions that he had failed to properly disclose a 1990 stock sale, saying the criticism was nothing more than a political attack, although he acknowledged that he still did not know why the sale had not been disclosed as promptly as required by law.

"I still haven't figured it out completely," Mr. Bush said in a late afternoon White House news conference hastily announced after his return from a three-day vacation at his parents' summer home in Maine, and only 18 hours before what the White House has billed as a major presidential speech about corporate responsibility.

Asserting that a central element of his proposal is to strengthen the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mr. Bush said, "I'll call for a stronger S.E.C., more investigators and more budget."

As Mr. Bush and Senate Democrats vied to seize political advantage on the corporate responsibility issue today, former top executives of WorldCom invoked their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination rather than answer questions on Capitol Hill about a $4 billion discrepancy in the company's books.

At his news conference, the president was also vague and dismissive about the accounting procedures at a company on whose board he served, the Harken Energy Corporation. Harken was subsequently required by the S.E.C. to restate its earnings.

"In the corporate world, sometimes things aren't exactly black and white when it comes to accounting procedures," Mr. Bush said, referring to Harken.

Seeking to upstage Mr. Bush before his speech on Wall Street — and emboldened by momentum created by fresh scandals at WorldCom and other companies — Congressional Democrats moved to gain the upper hand by trying to broaden significantly the corporate reform legislation that is to be taken up by the Senate on Tuesday.

While the current focus of the legislation is on accounting-related changes, Democrats want to expand the measure to make it simpler to prosecute securities fraud, aid plaintiffs who want to bring private securities fraud lawsuits against corporations, and make it easier for securities regulators to levy fines and impose other penalties on executives and directors who commit wrongdoing.

Mr. Bush also said at his news conference that he wanted to strengthen enforcement powers of the S.E.C. and expressed confidence in Harvey L. Pitt, the chairman of the regulatory agency, whose resignation has been called for by Democratic Congressional leaders in recent days.

The curious timing of the news conference, in the White House press briefing room, appeared intended to distract attention from a day that would have been dominated by news coverage of the beleaguered WorldCom executives. The event also seemed an attempt to place Mr. Bush back in command at the White House after three days of television and newspaper pictures of him fishing and golfing in Maine, many of them accompanied by reports of the president's own corporate stock dealings.

White House officials also seemed intent on getting questions about Mr. Bush's stock dealings out of the way before his speech, which his advisers hope will clear the way for a more straightforward handling by the media of his remarks on Tuesday. But they probably did not anticipate that Mr. Bush's meeting with reporters would be so dominated by questions about Harken.

The scandals in recent weeks at WorldCom, Tyco International and other companies have added so much energy to the drive for corporate reform that the Senate accounting bill, which was struggling just a month ago, is now expected to pass by a wide margin.

Democrats are trying to take greater advantage of that favorable political momentum by adding significant amendments to the bill — proposed by Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, Democrat of Maryland — that may not have had enough support to pass the Senate just weeks ago. Many of these provisions have the support of the Senate majority leader, Tom Daschle of South Dakota, aides said today.

"The Sarbanes bill is a strong bill and a great starting point, but there are a number of areas where it can be strengthened," said Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat who plans to offer several amendments.

Asked today about the Sarbanes bill, Mr. Bush said, "We share the same goals, and I'm confident we can get a good piece of legislation out of the Congress."

Mr. Bush added, "My concern on the Sarbanes bill is that there's overlapping jurisdiction, which will make it harder to enforce rules and regulations, not easier."

Mr. Bush insisted that the procedures at Harken were not similar to those at the bankrupt Enron Corporation, and that there was no malfeasance, saying, "There was an honest difference of opinion as how to account for a complicated transaction."

The most sweeping amendment to the Democrats' plan is a proposal by Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont. That proposal creates a new felony for any "scheme or artifice" used to defraud shareholders; increases penalties for shredding or other destruction of evidence; offers new protections to corporate whistle-blowers; and prevents executives who lose securities fraud lawsuits from using bankruptcy to escape fraud-related verdicts and settlements. Mr. Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has the strong support of Mr. Daschle; many Republicans are also backing most provisions of the measure.

The proposal would, however, also lengthen the amount of time plaintiffs have to file securities fraud lawsuits, a provision many Republicans have objected to. Also, Senator Richard C. Shelby, Republican of Alabama, is expected to offer another plaintiff-friendly amendment that would make it easier for investors to sue accountants, lawyers, investment banks and others who "aid or abet" securities fraud.

In another important amendment, three senators want to write into the law strict responsibilities for corporate lawyers. This proposal, by Mike Enzi, Republican of Wyoming, and Democrats Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey and John Edwards of North Carolina, requires corporate lawyers for publicly traded companies who receive credible evidence of material legal violations to bring the matter to the attention of management and, if ignored, the board.

Mr. Levin plans to offer an amendment that would empower the S.E.C., without first going to court, to ban "unfit" officers and directors from publicly traded companies; fine accountants, lawyers, companies, executives and directors who violate securities laws; and obtain records for financial investigations without disclosing the subpoenas.

Even with all the new political momentum, the Democrats have to be careful, as whatever they pass still faces a showdown in conference committee with a much different legislative package approved in April by the Republican-controlled House. If the Democrats put too many new items on their bill, that could undermine its support among some members and reduce the legislation's momentum.

It is unclear whether Mr. Bush's news conference will put the questions behind him, particularly because he offered less of an explanation today than he and his advisers have in the past for why he was eight months late disclosing his 1990 sale of Harken stock on a document called a Form 4.

In his 1994 race for governor of Texas, Mr. Bush said that he thought he had filed on time but that the S.E.C. had misplaced the proper disclosure forms. Last week, Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary, attributed the late filing to a "mix-up" with Harken's lawyers. Mr. Bush said today, "As to why the Form 4 was late, I still haven't figured it out completely."

Mr. Bush repeatedly said that his stock sale and late filing were old news, and that it had been used against him by his political opponents for years. "People love to play politics," Mr. Bush said. Then he added: "That's nothing new. That happened in 1994. I can't remember if it happened in 1998 or not. It happened in 2000. I mean, this is recycled stuff."

At issue are 212,140 shares of Harken stock that Mr. Bush sold on June 30, 1990, for $4 a share, or $848,560, eight days before Harken finished its second quarter with a loss of $23.2 million. By August, the share price had fallen to $2.37. The S.E.C. investigated on suspicions that the transaction was conducted on the basis of insider information, a potential crime, but dropped the investigation in 1993, saying that "at this time no enforcement action is contemplated."

Today Mr. Bush said that by his accounting, he had actually lost money on the sale. "I sold the stock at 4, and 14 months later — you know, the holding period for capital gains I think was 12 months in those days — the person who bought my stock could have sold it for 8, could have doubled his or her money."

Aides to Senate leaders said they hoped that widening the scope of their bill would illuminate what they believe is a sharp contrast with a weaker plan by the Bush administration.

"I'm afraid he's going to try to blur the difference and get away with something without real teeth in it," said a senior aide to the Democratic leadership. "I think he's going to stand up there, with a great deal of hoopla, and deliver what sounds like a responsible position, but do nothing to support a responsible bill."

© The New York Times Company

Bush to address corporate fraud in Wall Street visit

163 posted on 07/09/2002 6:31:14 AM PDT by Uncle Bill
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To: Donald Stone
"The SEC fully looked into the matter, they looked at every aspect of it ... and the people who looked into it said they have no case,"
George W. Bush - July 8, 2002 - Source.

As I documented above the SEC was so tough that they, well, just, well, you know, didn't even interview George W. Bush. LOL! Even Ari Fleischer had to admit it. But it was a tough SEC investigation! Every stone was turned over, much like Janet Reno's talents. Hahahahaha!!!

Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 12, 2002
12:02 P.M. EDT

The James S. Brady Briefing Room

Partial Transcript:

Q Can you explain why you think it's appropriate that the President wasn't interviewed on the Harken -- by the SEC, on the Harken situation?

MR. FLEISCHER: I think just as with any type of review of facts and of allegations, when the reviewers determine that the facts and the allegations don't hold up there's no need for an interview. The President would have been willing to have been interviewed if that was the case, he has said so. But I think it underscores exactly what has been discussed many times here, that there is no "there" there. It's all been looked into, the Securities and Exchange Commission has looked into this issue extensively and exhaustively and made the determination there was no "there" there.

Q But how do you react to the fact that the Securities experts say that this kind of lack of interview is highly unusual in this kind of case? I mean, if it had been someone else, there probably would have been an interview.

MR. FLEISCHER: I think it's all been looked at and explored by the Securities and Exchange Commission. And I think if that was the case, if somebody is suggesting that the actions of the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time they looked on this were somehow wrong actions, don't you think the administration that succeeded that administration might have looked at it differently if they had different people at the helm? Obviously, they made no changes to it because it was based on good judgment and the careful, considered judgment of the career people at the Securities and Exchange Commission. That's why in Washington you can go around in circles and circles and circles at a time when an old issue arises out of politics. And, again, there's no "there" there.

Q Ari? Ari?

Q Regardless of whether it was an old issue --

...Q Regardless of whether it was an old issue, Ari, the President did come out on Monday and field dozens of questions about the topic. We haven't seen the Vice President in the same way, come out and field those kinds of questions about his own accounting practices, his own stock practices. Is the President suggesting to him, regardless of whether it's old, it's been investigated, that he, too, come out, face the press, the American people and take questions on it?

MR. FLEISCHER: Let me put it to you this way. After a week of noise about nothing, people are seeing a scandal-seeking Washington that's out of touch with a solution-seeking nation. And that's what this President is focused on: solving the problems that have been created, that have been growing up for a considerable number of years as a result of the bubble in the markets and the corporate excesses that took place as a result of that; and targeting the wrongdoers and people who engage in fraud so that the country can have confidence in the free enterprise system and those people who are responsible in corporate America. And most of corporate America agrees with that, the American people agree with that. And that's where the President's focus is and shall be.

"How thorough the SEC inquiry was remains unclear. Jordan said Harken provided investigators with "thousands of pages" of documents, including the June 11 minutes and Faulkner's July 13 communique. Investigators interviewed Cummings, stockbroker Smith and a member of the Arthur Andersen auditing team, but they did not talk to Faulkner or any other officers or directors of Harken."
The Washington Post - Bush Name Helps Fuel Oil Dealings - By George Lardner Jr. and Lois Romano - Friday, July 30, 1999; Page A1.

I thought the Bush-bots were just telling everybody that Bush and the SEC turned over ALL the documents. LOL!

DEVELOPING: Harvey Pitt, the nation's chief regulator of financial markets, said Friday he 'absolutely' will not resign and that he has the full support of President Bush. Pitt also said he had no plans to release SEC documents involving Bush's controversial sale of Harken Energy Co. stock in 1990... MORE...

"We've had too many cases of people abusing their responsibilities, and people just need to know that the SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] is on it, our government is on it,"
George W. Bush - Source: Insight Magazine.

164 posted on 07/12/2002 6:01:42 PM PDT by Uncle Bill
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