What Enron did that hasn't yet been realized is move enormous amounts of money to Rat front organizations for favors. The ability to influence power plants, power deragulation, curtailed coal burning, promotion of Kyoto and global warming... were Clinton targets. Consider what was bought off all of the Rat Congress.
Leahy: Enrongate Shredder Has FBI Contract
Arthur Andersen LLP, the company now battling for its survival in the wake of revelations that it shredded Enron documents last fall, has a $1 million contract with the Federal Bureau of Investigation that could give it access to information about the bureau's Enron probe, Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt., head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, revealed Wednesday.
"Now, unfortunately, the problem we're going to have is that Attorney General Ashcroft has also hired Arthur Andersen to do about a million-dollar review of the FBI for their reorganization," Leahy revealed in a Vermont radio interview.
The Vermont Democrat said that while he didn't disagree with the decision to hire a good accounting office to help revamp the bureau, he complained, "Unfortunately, Arthur Andersen now has access to some very sensitive things in the FBI at the same time where I'm going to be calling on the FBI to help my committee investigate why Arthur Andersen destroyed material.
"As I'm using some of the FBI agents to help investigate Arthur Andersen," he added, "I want to make sure the fact that Arthur Andersen is at the same time helping with the reorganization of the FBI doesn't get one caught over the other."
Leahy made his comments on WVMT's "Charlie and Ernie in the Morning" show.
The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman has asked the Justice Department to determine whether "any actual or apparent conflicts of interest" exist in Andersen's relationship with the bureau.
Attorney General Ashcroft has recused himself from the Justice Department's Enron probe because he accepted contributions from the energy giant during his Senate bid two years ago.<P.