That explains "seperate but equal" then. Chew-chew-chew, spit. You really need to get a clue.
No Hans! I have many clues. And the 'Separate but Equal' thing has never been taken seriously by the black rabel-rousers. They want separate but better off at all White People's expense. Their crap-fest about reparations, and the guilt trips about slavery don't wash with me. It might with you, you seem like a "touchy feely liberal" type.
In fact I enjoy telling blacks that want to whine about slavery and repression, that they cannot tell me anything about the two subjects. I am Irish and my race has been repressed and enslaved by the English for 800 years.
Also if you knew anything at all about history, you would know that Africans started the slavery thing themselves for blacks. Most blacks today cannot trace their ancestry back to slavery, not to mention being directly affected by it. But they get some clown like Jesse Jackass to spew racist dialogue and blame "Whitey" for all of the ills in the black community today. Whereas Joe Clark, another black educator has stated that the 75 to 78% illegitimate birth rate contributes heavily to the social woes of the blacks. Hmmmmmmmmmm ... looks like JJ contributed to that rate.
And White touchy-feely liberal butt-sniffs who buy into this line of crap are the ones who need to get a clue.
All your horsedung spewing about the Confederacy and its flag really holds no merit. BUH-BYE NOW!