Back in post 13 I gave you a link to an exhaustive listing of all our prior discussions on those very subjects. I suggest you pause to take a look. Generally, organisms evolve due to the mechanisms of mutation and natural selection. There are numerous texts written for those who are just beginning to approach the subject of evolution, and I think you ought to take the time to become familiar with some of the basic principles involved.
As for your question about "all the necessary components to support a biological function all evolved at the same time," I assume you are paraphrasing Behe's argument, which has been debunked to death. Please see some of the many links on this by visiting post 13 and checking that site out. You may be astounded to learn -- but you ought to learn -- that the stuff you're reciting is nothing but junk science.
This being the case, it should of been rather easy for you to show me an example of a positive muutation. Good answer on the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I usually have to explain to the evolutions that the earth isn't a closed system and that it is acted upon by the sun.
And your position on the fossile record?