as i've said before:
1. the naaLcp is a RACIST hate group.
2. SC is better off w/o the $$$$ that anyone who listens to the naaLcp might spend.
3.the flag at the memorial is NEVER coming down. not this or any other year!
4. keep pushing SC patriots and see what happens.
for dixie,sw
Now that I've thought this through...NAACP 'border patrols' will result in blacks sympathetic to the goals of these liberal extortionists avoiding South Carolina. 'Touchy-feely' Yankee liberals will do the same. At the same time, like-minded conservatives, especially from states bordering South Carolina, will fill the gap to help boost the economy of the Palmetto State. I don't know about anyone else, but this is starting to sound like a 'win-win' situation to me.