I simply posted an article with no comment whatsoever in an effort to get unbiased comment on its ramifications. I really enjoyed this but it is disappointing to see it turn into finger pointing and attack. I still haven't made up my mind on what this really means but now it won't catch many Freepers off guard, eh? I'm fluid like that. Life itself is a conspiracy of sorts. Enjoy!
Please, vmatt, you've been hyping this all day long; and you don't appear to be on the side of the GOP.
Why do you think this administration hasn't done anything for them? They just appointed a prosecutor at Justice Leslie Caldwell. I posted one of the cases this person handled on another thread. The gist is that they will be handled with kid gloves IMO that's payback.
Beverly Enterprises pleads guilty to fraud, Don Chaney, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 2/4/00
Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Caldwell, who prosecuted the case, said the government viewed the policy as one that came from the "top down." Beverly's Springer denied the involvement of top executives. Caldwell declined to comment on why no charges were filed against top officials at the company. "This is just where we ended up at the end of the day," she said.
That said, note that this is not the first time Enron or its partnerships applied for blanket approval under 18 cfr part 34.
Enron Energy Services Power, Inc. ) Docket No. ER98-13-000
(December 11, 1997)
Enron Energy Services Power, Inc. (Enron Energy), is a power marketing affiliate of Enron Corporation and Portland General Electric Company. It also is an affiliate of Enron Power Marketing, Inc., another power-marketer with market-based rate authorization. Enron Energy filed an application for authorization to sell electric energy and capacity at market- based rates, and for certain waivers and authorizations. In particular, Enron Energy requested that the Commission grant blanket approval under 18 CFR Part 34 of all future issuances of securities and assumptions of liabilities by Enron Energy. On November 26, 1997, the Commission issued an Order Conditionally Accepting For Filing Proposed Market-Based Rates (Order), in the above-docketed proceeding.
The Commission's November 26, 1997 Order granted the request for blanket approval under Part 34, subject to the conditions found in Ordering Paragraphs (D), (E), and (G):
(D) Within 30 days of the date of issuance of this order, any person desiring to be heard or to protest the Commission's blanket approval of issuances of securities or assumptions of liabilities by Enron Energy should file a motion to intervene or protest with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, in accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.211 and 385.214.
(E) Absent a request to be heard within the period set forth in Ordering Paragraph (D) above, Enron Energy is hereby authorized, pursuant to section 204 of the FPA, to issue securities and assume obligations and liabilities as guarantor, indorser, surety, or otherwise in respect of any security of another person; provided that such issue or assumption is for some lawful object within the corporate purposes of Enron Energy, compatible with the public interest, and reasonably necessary or appropriate for such purposes.
(G) The Commission reserves the right to modify this order to require a further showing that neither public nor private interests will be adversely affected by continued Commission approval of Enron Energy's issuances of securities or assumptions of liabilities. . . . - 2 - Notice is hereby given that the deadline for filing motions to intervene or protests, as set forth above, is December 29, 1997. Copies of the full text of the Order are available from the Commission's Public Reference Branch, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426. </font face>