No cigar. I never supported bush and immigration is one (and only one) big reason why. Try reading post #151. His immigration stand was no surprise to me. Education was another big issue with me. Did you know bush used clinton's Goals2000 and STW programs in Texas. In fact Texas was the leading state in implementing Goals2000 and STW.
You wasn't around here before the election. At least not posting. If you had been you wouldn't even have asked that question.
Bush plainly told us he was going to expand the scope and power of government. I listened. Carefully. I will not vote for that. I will vote for what was once conservative values. Smaller less intrusive government. When a candidate in the republican party comes along who I can believe says he will do just that I will vote for him, but not until. Meanwhile I will vote (and did), and I will vote for any candidate who shares my values.