It irritates me. I know he is dedicated to kissing illegal alien butt,but somebody needs to remind him that California is STILL a part of the USA,and we speak English here. Hell,somebody try to tell me this isn't a sign the LaRaza types aren't winning. Not only are they not forced to learn English to live here and suck-up taxpayer benefits,but they even have the president of the USA talking to them in their own language now!
BTW,is he going to speak Eubonics when he visits Detroit or Atlanta? If not,won't the blacks be offended? Ditto for the Chinese when he visits Seattle if he doesn't speak Chinese to them.
Well he already donned on of those purple poke-a-dot things when he went to Asia.
VA Advogado: Did you seen him address the fine folks of california in spanish. Gotta love Dubyah, although I know that's just gotta grate on some here to see our US President in California, in front of the presidential seal, speaking español.
It irritates me. I know he is dedicated to kissing illegal alien butt, but somebody needs to remind him that California is STILL a part of the USA, and we speak English here.
Bush is a shrewd political speaker. He knows that the democrats gain the hearts minds and ears of the Hispanic Community. Bush is winning them over by speaking directly to them.
shrewd: Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence