Let me ask you this, when my Irish, Welsh, and English ancestors came to America were they eligible for welfare? Were they given job finding assistance at the employment dept. in their native language? Were they given free emergency medical care? Were they given more preference points for government jobs than some military veterans? Were they eligible for Social Security and Medicare even though they hadn't paid in their fair share? Were the Irish that came to Ellis island with tuberculosis allowed into the country? Did the Welsh immigrants smuggle cocaine when they crossed the border? Did these people NOT assimilate into the AMERICAN culture after 3 or 4 generations? Did my great grandmother recieve WIC benefits once my grandfather was born (during the depression)? Who the he!! do you think pays out the nose for all of the above benefits? Is it the Mexican illegals or is it the average American taxpayer? Well, considering the fact that most of the amigos that work in the fields here in the Willamette valley are working under the table I would say that Joe sixpack is footing the bill. You sir are comparing apples to oranges. History repeats itself and the USA is currently following the Roman Empire's recipe for self destruction with the help of your Spanish speaking friends.
"Let me ask you this, when my Irish, Welsh, and English ancestors came to America were they eligible for welfare?"Well actually, no one was.
We, however, were just stupid enough to start paying for people not to be responsible for themselves.
So, while I understand your argument, I think that it points more towards something that we are doing wrong, rather than something that immigrants are doing wrong.
Immigrants still come for a chance at a better life, we are the ones GIVING them the $$$, if we stopped, they would still come.
That's the way it has always been.
The immigrants haven't changed, we as a nation have.