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To: expose
More proof that congress is under the control of self-aggrandizing statists who will do anything to perpetuate their power.

The Republican party has become a near carbon-copy of its more leftist counterpart and is now a staunch advocate and implementer of incremental statism. Those who continue to support it at the national level are contributing to this country's ultimate destruction.

George W. Bush and his chief law enforcement lieutenant, John Ashcroft, already have done much to install the machinery of a future police state.

55 posted on 01/04/2002 7:26:52 PM PST by Un-PC
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To: Un-PC
The Republican party has become a near carbon-copy of its more leftist counterpart and is now a staunch advocate and implementer of incremental statism. Those who continue to support it at the national level are contributing to this country's ultimate destruction. George W. Bush and his chief law enforcement lieutenant, John Ashcroft, already have done much to install the machinery of a future police state.

I don't think it matters which party is at the helm, IMO we are being governed by the government/military/corporate/university complex. I have read much about this and the most eye-opening warning of this corrpution is making it's way around the web. The parting speech of Dwight D. Eisenhower. In some versions, and in some history books, this warning gets deleted.

If ever there was a place for both parties, all parties, all patriots, conservatives, liberals, good-greens, libertarian.....if all of us realize are getting screwed, we might drop our party differences, and even fundamental differences, to unite on the matter of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The basic stuff that allows us to choose our very different points of view, is what is at stake, so why not concentrate on We The People for awhile and become strong and unified.

This is truly a place where you don't have to be a Republican or be a Bush Lover to participate. I made sure of that before I was comfortable here, having been a liberal democrat whose first presidential primary vote was for Bobby Kennedy in Los Angeles, I found I could take baby steps in here. I have always registered Non-Partisan, because my father did not believe in the 2-party system. It is refreshingly open in here, where people who had hoped for something better after the Clinton years, don't hesitate to show thier disappointment with Bush. It would be nice to see more sites on the links list. Maybe we could all link up in here and really make some noise, yeaH.

62 posted on 01/04/2002 9:43:24 PM PST by madfly
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