I didn't see it. Sorry.
Now about the victim stuff--I don't ask anything of you except you treat me with a modicum of decency. If Catholics come on your threads and start trashing without debating then why wouldn't you report them? If they have nothing to add to the debate except telling us we're having a spiritual fornication, then what are they doing here? Not once did he try and tackle the content of the post.
I'm sorry, but I don't ever talk to you or any other protestant like what was said to me. I treat people like I want to be treated. What is wrong with that?
We are grown ups that believe in free speech and feedom of expression even if the rest of FR has moved into the PC censorship column. We love our faiths and love discussing....come over and debate wear your self out..warning ya might get called a heretic but as my Catholic Grandmother used to say "sticks and stones..." I said NOTHING to you I never posted to you ever untill a few minutes ago I do not believe. When the day comes that the rest of FR is like you most of us will leave..then you can discuss the pope among yourselves as much as you like with great consensus but somehow I think that would be your loss and FR's loss...what good is anthing without a little salt?
Wrong! I did. You have already read the message #298 which addresses that I was arguing why I used the Biblical language that I did.