I was not discussing the parable per se, but the words do not fit Calvinism at all. A Calvinist maintains all who are called must be saved. How could a Sovereign God 'call' and it not be successful?
Now regarding the passage itself (ofcourse only using the King James) the statement is found in two places Matt.20:16 which is clearly a verse about rewards. The second one is found in Matt.22:14. That verse is dealing with the Jewish nation. Note how the chapter begins. Also, the wedding feast, where the 'Jew' shows up without his wedding garment (Righteousness), why, because he sought it by works, not by faith (Rom.9:31-32) The companion passage is found in Isa 65:2 cf Rom.10:21.
An Arminian would read the passage all are called, but few choose
Even so, come Lord Jesus