I saw the BOOS FOR HITLERY edited out in real time at the Washington D.C. 2000 celebration . She was roundly booed both times she spoke and the monitors ( huge screens0 showed blanks then stock footage of happy crowds as a background. at this point the crowd actually booed and turned their back on Hitlery.... all this happening was edited out via stock crowd footage in real time. it was the talk of Downtown D.C. the next day. All the media covered up for the Treasonous Clintons and are still doing it.
I saw the BOOS FOR HITLERY edited out in real time at the Washington D.C. 2000 celebration . She was roundly booed both times she spoke and the monitors ( huge screens0 showed blanks then stock footage of happy crowds as a background. at this point the crowd actually booed and turned their back on Hitlery.... all this happening was edited out via stock crowd footage in real time. it was the talk of Downtown D.C. the next day. All the media covered up for the Treasonous Clintons and are still doing it. I vaguely remember hearing about this. You were actually there, close enough to see her speaking and hear the crowd booing? The screens were there for the people farther back? Or were the screens showing what the TV audience was seeing?
Sorry for all the questions. But this is incredible! And this was the talk of DC the next day? It sounds like slick production work (perhaps they had planned for something like this happening?).
The fact that Hitlery is not beloved, crowds are happy to let her know, and yet she got herself elected Senator of New York, and the fact that she thinks she can become the first woman President of the United States, knowing she will get this kind of treatment at times, means she is confident of someone's ability to keep these situations hidden from the masses. Now THIS is frightening. Who could have this kind of power? I don't think it could be Hitlery herself. Who is running this show?