I've been shaken to the rafters by the WTC tragedy. I was afraid to fly for a few weeks after; just about the time I was about to get up enough courage to fly at holiday time, AA587 happened. Now, I'm afraid to fly again.
Have the terrorists caused my fear? Not entirely, since in '96 when the AA commuter crashed in IN, I didn't fly for 2 yrs. This from someone who flew to and from the Far East at least once a year for 5 years, flw to Vancouver every year, flew to Rome in '94, generally traveled at will; been shot at, had rockets landing about 50 yds from where I slept.
I suppose what is happening to me is two-fold. The airline fleets are getting older, maintenance is not necessarily what it was years ago, and yes, the terrorists have me nervous. I don't mind dying, but would rather not end up in pieces; further, I don't want to dread fkying to and from, before I get there.
We have a good Sec'y of Defense, great fighting team, and a president who backs them. I'm placing my trust in them, not those who are trying to cause additional stress on my life, especially those who have no answers.