Would that prove the unproveable?
I'm either insane, lying to you or God has spoken to me.
I can't prove His existence to you, but he proved His existence to me.
No. The experience is completely subjective and not given to proof. Now, if God left you a piece of physical evidence (a burning bush that was not consumed by fire, for instance) then you have evidence.
I'm either insane, lying to you or God has spoken to me.
How about "none of the above." You may have suffered an audio or visual hallucination while having a "religious moment." The Readers' Digest December issue discusses the theory that the human brain is hardwired to believe in God, and that religious rapture (that "rapture" with a small 'r') can actually be medically observed.
I can't prove His existence to you, but he proved His existence to me.
And that is why it is purely subjective and not given to scientific study.